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Parapsychology and Magic / Healing / Color Healing / Black / 


Black: the hidden, mystery, ignorance, absence of light, opposite of white, Power, sexuality, sophistication, formality, elegance, wealth, mystery, fear, evil, anonymity, sturdiness and reliability, unhappiness, depth, style, sadness, remorse, anger, precision, definition, underground, mourning, death (Western cultures) water, winter, withdrawal, descent, profundity, danger, great difficulty, dignity, aloofness, solitude. dormant state of energy about to begin activity .

Black - corresponds to the Cabala at Binah (or Compassion) and shows a dominion over the underworld, Goddess, receptive, banishment, absorption , destruction of negativity. Color of the Goddess in the Crone aspect. In China, black was considered the color of bruises, therefore a sign of evil and extremely unpopular.

Black absorbs all other colors This strengthens some types of spiritual work. Scrying and divination can be enhanced for many people when they wear black. Black surroundings and table cloths help to keep distractive energies in check so the readings may be more clear. It is the color of hidden power and the strength of the Inner Self. Black is a controversial color. On one hand, it speaks with authority and power; on the other hand, despair and mourning. On one hand, it symbolizes evil characters and criminal activities; on the other hand, constancy, prudence and wisdom.

Black is a popular color for clothes across many social levels and occupations from formal black gowns and tuxedos to simple black dresses , Priestly robes, exotic lingerie , modest work clothes to black leather jackets . Black clothes are almost every where. Some wear black to look slimmer, some wear it to look sophisticated and some wear it to be invisible.

Hardly ever seen as a base color in the aura. It is more often a transient color denoting blockages, hidden issues ,and illness. Can indicate deep and lasting depression, someone who needs rest, peace and healing. Sometimes the disintegration of the outer layers of the Aura that precedes death is seen as black, black spots in the aura are frequently indicators of pending or active illness and disease.

While some interpret black in the aura as belonging to someone. who is evil, has a sick mind, is devoid of human warmth or in sociopaths or as localized in spots in the aura in cases of potentially of life threatening illness. This could be true but is not the whole story.

Black may also be seen as an outer shield or a cloak of energy surrounding the true aura in people who have had lives of severe trauma and emotional distress and who have closed themselves off completely from emotional and energetic interaction with the world. When these people do open or break that shell ( usually by having love and compassion get in and causing them to recognize their own ability to love. You may be amazed at the Beauty of the revealed Spirit.

Black is a color that is not used very often in healing as light but it can assist with grounding. A velvet black texture of dark light is sometimes used as treatment for extreme pain. Meditation or focus on black things can promote the ability to distill matters to their essence and solve problems, help us come up new ideas.

There are a number of black stones that are quite useful in healing work. Black absorbs light reveals hidden potential solidifying and manifesting, grounding.

Smoky Quartz: grounding, protective, helps dissolve negative states, does deep cleansing of negative thought forms, balancing, can be a valuable meditation stone, release emotional blockages, helps maintain protective energy shields and filters, eases congestion, and helps relieve pain in the hands and feet.

Obsidian: reveals the hidden, grounding

Tourmaline: Schorl (black) protective ,grounding , realigns physical problems involving skeleton and muscles.

Hematite: Healing, grounding, mental attunement and calm. helps with assimilation of needed minerals and energies, supportive, diseases of blood.

Iron: mental and emotional balance helps one to release old issues and learn from experience strengthens .

Onyx: grounding and protection, helps align and harmonize the basic self with the High self keeping you grounded and in body while in contact with Source spiritual even while journeying, Can help with communication with earth deva and your own consciousness of the nurturing support of the Earth. Helps with concentration and focus on responsibilities. A very good stone for those who tend to "space out" helps with receiving intuitive guidance and interpreting its practical application helps call in needed energies for you. also used for treating health issues involving bone marrow ,soft tissue, the feet. has a reputation for absorbing deflecting negative energies and needs to be cleared often

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