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Karma Diagnostics (by Lazarev S.)

The main destination of human being is to enrich knowledge about world and strive to understand the processes and their connection. We must always bear in our minds that energy fields instantly react to any thought or emotion, the reaction is negative if they are bad. Person's insensibility to fine energies and their distortion, inability to understand causal-investigatory events of his life cause misunderstanding and ignorance on a physical level.

Before reading check your emotional state. We don't recommend you reading in state of irritation, offense and other negative emotions.

This is the original conception on comprehension of spiritual world which rules the material one, analysis of possibilities to conceive the bioenergetics. The article's aim is to comprehend the world and the mechanisms that rule it. We will try to expand on bioenergetics rules since the human perfection starts with understanding of this world.

Present mankind is far from spiritual origins and it's more like a wrecked ship carrying the quarreled crew without captain. Some crewmen are about to understand their situation and seek for the ways to make it up. But the trouble is that nobody has the idea of approaching reefs.

Humanity faces the danger of spiritual decoy. We are oblivious of the greatest losses because we firstly die on the field level and then on the physical one. Presently this process is on breaking point; in future our spirit will turn into the bodies of our children. Subsequently the more defective our spirit is today the weaker (physically and mentally) our issue will be in future.

The information I learnt while studying biological field is rather grave. The spiritual potential saved by saints, clairvoyant men and religions founders is nearly exhausted but undeveloped strategic thinking is a danger for humanity. The bioenergetics abilities are used to solve primitive tactical schemes but not to foresee future or prevent impending threats.

We are on the cross point between spiritual renascence and doom. Salvation is personal mental search and realization of importance of each human being in Universe.

Just picture yourself a man who wants to learn to drive and the trainer blindfolds him, puts his hands on the wheel, shows accelerator and nothing more. We have as little knowledge about bioenergetics as this man about driving. Meanwhile we can receive this knowledge at numerous extrasensory schools. The difference between these schools is 'make of car' and 'engine power'. One should start learning with rule of the road and automobile system. Acquiring bioenergetics knowledge without good preparation is more dangerous than driving with blindfolded eyes. That is why this work is devoted to rules for the behaviour in spiritual sphere.

One more warning! I have to provide some information concerning entrance into field structures to expand on the subject. I recommend you not to practice what is written here. This can be dangerous for you and your relatives.

Only few persons can do what I describe here. They are specially prepared and have particular abilities.

Many readers expect to find new information reminding of fantasy. But I am a researcher and no matter how incredible the given facts and conclusions may seem to you, they are real.

'Human' as a steady informational structure

Not long ago the appropriateness of 'biological field' was disputed in medical circus and there were lots of 'charlatans' among the followers of this branch. Nowadays one can hardly find a person who doesn't know that human's physical body is surrounded with energy field consisting of several layers which are invisible to most people. Let us make out what a person is from bioenergetics point of view. The destination of the layers that constitute informational and energetic field of the person is complicated. Many years ago, when I was beginning to work with the frame I decided to view the shape of human's energetic field. There were no any problems while my hand was moving in parallel with body; the frame always turned 180 degrees. But when I trued to examine the field shape above the head I found that I couldn't reach its bounds. I ascended onto the chair but the frame wouldn't turn. That meant that the bounds were still higher.

I continued my measurements by phantom. I drew a man on paper and started to measure the limits. The hand holding the frame went beyond the paper edges and I had to scale. I began to calculate the deviation in meters and kilometers but the frame didn't turn. I thought: 'What if human's energetic field goes to the Universe?' In response the frame turned 180 degrees. It occurred to me that the field occupies the whole Universe. The density and information of layers vary. The thickest layer provides information about physical body and organs. Karmic structures are found in more refined layers and are hierarchically dependent from each other. The nearest layer keeps the information about actions, emotions feelings and thoughts of a person.

Personal karma of the person, information about his previous lives are still in finer layers and the deeper a healer gets into a person's karma the stronger effect he will have. That is both weak and strong point of karma diagnostics. I believe nobody can completely penetrate human's field, since any kind of penetration is connected with interaction which can be safe only if a healer is a perfect man with clear karma.

For more than two years I have been clearing my karma every day and yet there are lots of things beyond my control. Before contacting with the field of the other person I check if I can start healing. In case of any problems with my karma I have no right to heal the others least they should do him harm. Perfect healer is a perfect person. But a modern human can't reach perfection in this world. That is why more importance should be paid to. This is knowledge way which permits to use and develop possibilities of bioenergetics treatment not to injure field structures. Rabindrant Tagor said that being powerful and strong doesn't imply surpassing in might but the ability to raise a weak to higher level. I questioned myself why many healers couldn't impart their method to pupils.

Earlier I thought they didn't because they didn't want to share their knowledge to remain in centre of attention to enjoy comforts. Gradually I realized that they couldn't do that. Mainly their methods are the saved techniques which missed one essential point - aspiration to understand world and systemize the knowledge about Universe. Jesus Christ was the only exception. His healing was always related to world understanding.

Though the books is about researches one often comes across such ideas as 'divine', 'sanity' or 'higher feelings'. I consider no matter how far the science develops there is always something unexplained which can't be analyzed. Studying the subjects which are beyond logic and science I use terms implying definite meanings in described system.

When the question is about higher feelings each person will take it in his own way; that depends on the personal world view and spirituality level. The higher these feelings are in personal value scale the better it is. The notion 'abiocoen' has collective meaning and firstly comprehends material welfare that humans enjoy.

Medicine can help thousands of people, world understanding can save millions. Understanding is closely connected with confession which does work and change karmic structures. Having realized the influence of physical health on state of karmic structures I tried to act upon them in different ways: magic, witchcraft, folk and traditional medicine, but the results were not so good.

I came to conclusion that the increase of effect injures patient. It improves momentarily but doesn't solve the problem. I understood that only confession can be the safest and most effective means. I am not perfect, and when intruding into person's spiritual structures I introduce some changes. The impact should be integral, as a part of Universe. That is possible only through confession to the Universe, or God.

When talking about the Universe we picture ourselves the space, time and substance. We can hardly imagine it as a unity. The separate components combine only if we are spiritually exulted.

When begging the God to forgive us our sins we change physically and spiritually. At this moment we admit our imperfection and open our hearts to the Creator who gives us power to alter and be in harmony with the Universe. But no pressure can change person's aspirations. I practice extrasensory testing to estimate the state of karmic structures. This permits to determine the size of the measurable parameters.

The known karmic structures can be divided into two groups: strategic and tactical. The tactical ones are of enormous power intensity that is why the impact on them can't be immediate. Person's and his posterity's future depends on strategic structures. Any attempt of incorrect correction can lead to changes in field regulations. The basic strategic parameters are spirituality, soul and love. Tactic structures are less capacitive but more changeable. Since all parameters are closely related to each other the impact on one of them leads to change of the others. Presently people sacrifice strategic storages for the sake of momentary treatment.

We feel and react to conscious aggression, but the danger of subliminal aggression is impossibility to control it on physical level. The field instantly responds to aggression and with its increase we participate in invisible battles of which we are unaware.

Subliminal aggression is one of human field parameters and it is supposed to be of negative meaning. That is the core of genuine human kindness and protection from the others' aggression.

The essential characteristic of biological field is the degree of Space connection. That depends on person's ethics and his ancestors. Demolition of love can destroy these structures. Love is many-sided but most of all we should love God, Universe and divine feelings. Due to this love we are united with the Space, our parents, children, sweethearts and ourselves. We will be much happier when we realize this.

Karmic mechanism regulates unity and relations of human being and space and the better we know this the sooner we will overcome the present crisis. Actually, mankind received the knowledge on world interaction laws long ago. This information was expanded in commandments.

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Comment from mihaela for Karma Diagnostics (by Lazarev S.)
Hi,I whant to have an conversation or an appoiment with mrs. Lazarev S..I will be gratefull if he will contact me.I readed almost all of his books,and I think that his work it's very intresting and dangerous in the same time!I only can say that I respect your work and you as an person.
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Good job and great design!
Comment from michal for Karma Diagnostics (by Lazarev S.)
I have 4 books in Slovak, I'm looking for translation of other 7 chapters... Do anybody know if they have been translated to English?
Comment from giorgi for Karma Diagnostics (by Lazarev S.)
Mr Lazarev, maia jena perenesla infeqcionnoe zabolevanie kogda ona bila beremenno(4 messec).U nas radilsia sin, on paralizovan i gluxoi. Vi mojite nam pomoch?-ia iskrenno veriu vam. Georgi
Comment from Mihai for Karma Diagnostics (by Lazarev S.)
Have the books been translated in English ?
Comment from Rina Mayhew for Karma Diagnostics (by Lazarev S.)
Друзья, дорогие! Я носитель языка, переводчик c 25-летним стажем. Умоляю: поменяйте перевод, этот читается несерьезно! Найдите профессионального переводчика! Речь не только о грамматических ошибках (которых есть :-)), а прежде всего о стилистике -- от естественного, великолепного стиля СНЛ не осталось и следа. Коряво, примитивно -- простите. Будут читать англоязычные люди -- Вы у них этим переводом отобьете всякое уважение к СНЛ. Могут подумать, что он так и писал. Вы уж простите, но хотелось, чтоб Вы знали. Большое спасибо за прекрасный сайт! С уважением, Рина
Comment from imi for Karma Diagnostics (by Lazarev S.)
I got 4 books "Karnma Diagnostics" translated to Slovak. They helped me a lot. Specially the last one is very complex.
Comment from marcin garbulinski for Karma Diagnostics (by Lazarev S.)
i am looking for this book, does anyone know how I can get a copy in english or french
Comment from cristian dumitrescu-blendea for Karma Diagnostics (by Lazarev S.)
"pure karma" as it was translated into romanian, is a great book. i thank god for letting me get all this information. best regards to s.n. lazarev!
Comment from Vasily Dekarmirovanny for Karma Diagnostics (by Lazarev S.) - The greatest deal of information on the subject in the Inet.
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