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Maria Jose Ferreira - Poltergeist Victim

In December 1965, in Jabuticabal, 220 miles from São Paulo, Brazil, a respectable Catholic family became the centre of malicious and violent poltergeist activity. To begin with, pieces of brick began falling inside the house, seemingly from nowhere. A local priest attempted an exorcism but this only made things worse.

A neighbour, Jobo Volpe, a dentist, who had studied psychic matters, became interested and visited the house on 21st December. He soon realised that the focus of the disturbances was a quiet, pretty 11-year old girl called Maria Jose Ferreira, who slept in the servants' quarters. Volpe thought she was a natural medium and took her into his house to see what he could do. Nothing happened for a few days, but then the bombardments of stones and eggs began, appearing from nowhere and flying round the rooms. Later Volpe counted 312 stones that had fallen inside his home since Maria arrived. Not all of these stones were pebbles, as is often the case in poltergeist disturbances - one of them weighed 3.7 kilos. On one occasion a large stone appeared and began descending from the ceiling; it then broke into two pieces about four feet from the ground. When someone picked up the two pieces, they seemed to snap together as if they were magnetically attracted to each other.

Maria began to get used to the frenzied activity, and was even able to ask the unseen presence for a sweet, a flower or some other small item, and it would immediately appear at her feet. One day while Maria was out walking with Volpe and a friend, she remarked that she would like a little brooch. Immediately a brooch appeared at her feet. Soon after, while out in the yard, Maria was showered with sugarapple fruits. The fruit had been in the house inside a bag. The 'spirits' also had a sense of humour; on one occasion a stone appeared out of thin air, tapped three people lightly on their heads, and fell on the floor. All three said that it was like being hit by a 'ball of compressed air' rather than a stone. Perhaps this partly explains why stones 'thrown' by poltergeists rarely hit or injure people directly.

But this state of affairs was not to last. For some reason the poltergeist changed its character and one day began causing mayhem in the house. For almost three weeks plates, glasses and even heavy flower vases were thrown around the house in all directions. All the tableware was broken, furniture was thrown about, and pictures were torn from the walls and flung into other rooms. On one occasion, two people witnessed a glass dish from the kitchen and a mirror from the bedroom cross in mid air before proceeding to the bedroom and kitchen respectively.

Then Maria herself became the target for vicious attacks. The poltergeist repeatedly bit her and slapped her on the face or bottom, leaving bruises all over her body. It threw chairs at her, a large sofa, and even a gas cylinder which had been wrenched off the wall. Apparently, it also attempted to kill her by suffocation while she was asleep, by forcing cups or glasses over her mouth and nostrils. Needles were sometimes found stuck deep into the flesh of her left heel, even when she had shoes and socks on. Once, fifty-five needles had to be removed at the same time. When bandages were put on her heel, they would be torn off without the knots being untied.

Things got worse. On 14th March,1966, Maria was eating her school lunch when her clothes suddenly caught fire, apparently originating from a round scorch mark that looked like it had been caused by a cigar burn. On the same afternoon the Volpes' bedroom burst into flames.

Maria lived with the Volpes for about a year during which the phenomena abated a little but never stopped completely for long.

Finally, in a last desperate attempt to find a cure, Volpe took her to a Spiritist centre. While there a spirit came and spoke through the well-respected medium, Chico Xavier, and announced: 'She was a witch. A lot of people suffered and I died because of her. Now we are making her suffer too . . .' Back at the Volpes' house there were special prayers and appeals to spirit guides, as well as 'magnetic passes' over Maria's body, and although all this prevented any more serious attacks on the girl, it failed to stop poltergeist activity altogether, and stones, fruit and vegetables still flew around the house when Maria was present.

Thinking there was nothing more to be done, the girl was sent back to live with her mother. But there was an unexpected and tragic end to the case. One day in 1970, when she was fifteen or sixteen, Maria committed suicide by swallowing formicide mixed in with a soft drink, and died almost instantly.

But was it a straightforward suicide? Did Maria take the poison deliberately, or did the poltergeist put it there. After all, it had materialised many other things in her presence. There is certainly a similarity here with the early 19th century Bell Witch poltergeist case, where John Bell died seemingly after drinking poison. In that case, the poltergeist, known as 'the Witch', celebrated at his death, and said it had been responsible for it.

Another point is that it is very rare for a poltergeist to become so actively malicious. Usually poltergeist activity is characterised by the fact that, though it can cause serious trouble, usually no one is physically harmed. When a poltergeist case becomes violent, it is often termed an incidence of 'demonic possession.', as is suggested by the contempt by the spirits for exorcisms. Did the spirits believe that Maria had been a witch in a former life? It has to be remembered that spirits often lie, sometimes for no other reason than the sheer hell of it, and that the witch story may have been pure invention.

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Nao se preocupe,o fato de os espiritos a acusarem de ter sido bruxa penso que pode ser verdade e que o poder de outra vida tambem vem com essa por isso ela conseguiu o controle da entidade e essa a trouxe os doces,mas isso,mas creio que foi vingan?a,se bem que em muitos rituais existem relatos de pessoas que aparecem com pregos por causa de magia negra,mas esse espirito acompanhava ela desde outra vida como vivo ou como espirito,e se tratando de um espirito ele teria que existir a muito tempo para ter essa for?a..mas e muito interessante o caso dela com apenas dezesseis anos.ela nao sabia oque fazia,mas tem gente que sabe e faz mal uso do que tem
wow. she was related to me. i knew about her but not alot. this is sad i didn't now this could happen to someone
to Maraissa - Please do not take so lightly. Wait until it happens to you.
Comment from marissa for Maria Jose Ferreira - Poltergeist Victim
hey, this is a really cool article....yea.....oke...byee!!
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