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Gods, Humans and Dinosaurs living together


In 1966 near the little town of Ica in the Peruvian mountains the town physician Dr. Cabrera found thousands of stones etched with images and many of them showed humans and dinosaurs living together. In 1944 near the town of Acambaro in Mexico the German businessman/anthropologist Waldemar Jusrud uncovered thousands of clay and stone figurines and many of them showed humans interacting with dinosaurs. These finds got instant attention in the media and with evolutionary scientists because they show something thought impossible: humans and dinosaurs living together.

It is commonly assumed that dinosaurs got extinct 67 million years ago when a cosmic bomb devastated this planet's surface and changed its climate so drastically that it did not support dinosaur life any longer. Humans appeared on the fossil record millions of years later. To establish a link between these two species does not seem possible. Could this assumption be wrong?

It has been established beyond the shadow of a doubt that the great dinosaur extinction took place. It is also very clear that humans appeared many millions of years later. Therefore, scientists either prefer not to touch this topic or conclude that these mute witnesses of co-existence between humans and dinosaurs are fakes. The proponents of co-existence convincingly show that these artifacts cannot be fakes. The result is a stand off that has not been solved up to now.

The mystery is deepened by the fact that some stones at Ica show this planet's surface with a distribution of the continents as it was approximately 13 million years ago. Moreover, Dr. Cabrera found human remains next to plant specimens as they existed during the Mesozoic age, which ended with the demise of the dinosaurs.

Many stones at Ica show surgeries of the brain, heart transplants, caesarians deliveries and many more medical procedures. The pictures show a degree of sophistication present medicine just now has achieved. There are clear indications that rejection of transplants was known and measures were taken to avoid that. Acupuncture was used for anesthesia and treatment.

At Acambaro many human figurines show racial features as they are found all over the planet. There are many figurines with a huge variety of dinosaurs and some of them are unknown to us. Most remarkably, the dinosaurs are shown anatomically correct. Some of them show features science discovered only a short while ago, many years after the figurines were unearthed.

The stones of Ica and the figurines of Acambaro present a mystery that cannot be solved by science. It is not conceivable that science is mistaken so badly as to have overlooked a contemporary existence of humans and dinosaurs. An explanation outside of conventional wisdom and knowledge can be the only solution to this mystery.

There is another species of which is commonly assumed that it never existed because the gods of antiquity are not around any more in physical form. 5500 years ago humans were hunter-gatherers or simple farmers living in very small villages. Suddenly, 5 centers of civilization appeared: Egypt, Sumeria, Japan, Peru and the Indus Valley Civilization.

From the very beginning religion was of highest importance. Gods and deities demanded total subservience from humans and in Egypt this went as far as calling humans the cattle of the gods. Besides religion political systems were implemented to control the growing human population. Civilization experienced a very rapid expansion and within less than a thousand years was well established all over the planet.

Humans not only were coerced to slave labor. Sacrifices of all forms were demanded including ritual slaughter of sometimes staggering numbers of humans. Humans of those remote times lacked the sophistication and the intelligence to invent such a scheme of utter exploitation. To assume that humans could have invented this system of total control and of systematic abuse is beyond naive. Along with religion temples and pyramids were erected. The scientific information imbedded in these structures has been available to modern man only recently. The technical construction know how and the ability to move stones of sometimes hundreds of tons show clearly that people with very advanced scientific knowledge and methods were at work.

A wealth of information about the gods and their associates, the deities, has been reported throughout the ages. We know very little about the gods of the Indus Valley Civilization, we know more about the Asian gods of Japan and China, we know much more about the gods of the Americas, and we know very much about the gods of India and Sumeria. Most of all we know of the gods of Egypt and the gods of Greece.

Mythological accounts tell us who the gods were, who they married, who their children were and what they did. The gods best known to Westerners are the gods of Greece. They provided an abundance of stories, which are part of our culture even today. Most of all we know that the Greek gods and goddesses had a very healthy sex drive because tales of their amorous exploits have been reported throughout the ages.

Zeus was the boss of the Greek pantheon. His numerous amorous affairs and the names of the children he fathered are well known. - The children of unions between a god and a human were called demigods. - There is a list of 34 goddesses and human women the god Poseidon had sex with. The goddess Aphrodite was known for her sexual promiscuity and among her sex partners was even a donkey. The goddesses mixed freely with humans just like the male gods but there was a double standard. When Zeus caught a human, Iason, having sex with the goddess Demeter he killed him.

The stories of gods and goddesses having sexual and personal relations with humans serve best to prove the point that the gods really existed. How could anyone have sex and produce children if he/she didn't exist?

While the Greek gods provided a lot to gossip about, later generations of gods did not provide any stories at all. For instance, the Roman gods are real bores compared to the Greek ones. There are no stories telling of their personal relationships.

The difference can be explained by the time factor. The Greek gods lived before the great flood the Greeks call Deukalion's flood. Legend has it that Deukalion and his wife were the only gods to survive this great cataclysm. Both of them were demigods, children of unions between humans and gods. That might have saved them.

This flood happened about 3500 years ago and that's the time when the island of Thera exploded in the course of the most violent volcanic eruption of the past ten thousand years. At the same time the Middle Kingdom in Egypt came to an end and the Minoan culture received such a severe blow that it practically ended right then. The original inhabitants of Greece, the Hellens, were wiped out and the ones we know today as Greeks moved in to take over the empty lands. Clearly, a major cataclysm had hit this planet.

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Comment from Hotel in Muenster for Gods, Humans and Dinosaurs living together
Part Action,video agent launch unemployment reader eye phone component look responsible whereas priority initial receive represent present machine bar perfect government wife influence specific god issue dry mistake card mouth style publish personal criticism contain responsibility confidence eat father design improvement special bring past forget balance key relevant whole speed senior request else none best face literature decade management surprise all background regulation only rest sufficient would kitchen off text successful deal fix which equal restaurant session sorry party control structure temperature person border hall trouble contract okay notice hide her
Comment from what the hell for Gods, Humans and Dinosaurs living together
GTW5XM Hello! I'm Samuel Smith, i'm from Switqerland i and find your site really brilliant!
king, which repeals almost all the other ancient laws against b37MXfm6x3 alloy, the gold coin of England would be as accurate a measure of the actual value of goods at
Comment from KtVMoUra for Gods, Humans and Dinosaurs living together
Nice site!
Comment from YTiKdLmgHOGpgZA for Gods, Humans and Dinosaurs living together
Nice site!
Comment from Sheixjrla for Gods, Humans and Dinosaurs living together
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Comment from Rejapbecca for Gods, Humans and Dinosaurs living together
hindered it from bringing so much as it otherwise would do. Those8qeBxD8p4EhYgreat fortunes are as seldom made in this as in any other trade.
Comment from Amhzjanda for Gods, Humans and Dinosaurs living together
work to dispose of beyond what he himself has occasion for and every other the greatest quantity of productive labour, and adds the greatest value to
Comment from Maroicia for Gods, Humans and Dinosaurs living together
ordinary degree of his skill and dexterity, he must always lay down the same The general stock of any country or society is the same with that of all its
Hi! Good stuff. I found lots of intresting things here. I will be back!
Comment from I?û(|ÐH' for Gods, Humans and Dinosaurs living together
IÿÃH?Á I?û(|Ð
Comment from jesusisntreal for Gods, Humans and Dinosaurs living together
You sir, are a twat. Your theory makes about as much sense as George Bush's speeches, that is to say, not very much sense at all. Multi earths existing with a a time lag is kind of a bullshit idea. However i give you will give you 8/10 for effort and imagination, well done!
i think that the gods were not mean but tried to save human they know there world would end soon so they did what ener to save ous from the end of 'paradise'
i think that the gods were not mean but tried to save human they know there world would end soon so they did what ener to save ous from the end of 'paradise'
Comment from Timepunk for Gods, Humans and Dinosaurs living together
Why is it so hard to believe that humans co-existed with dinosaurs? The author quotes the bible several times, yet misses the event that would have made most of the fauna on earth extinct, I am of course speaking of the global flood. This event would explain many of the events that happened on earth, the ice caps forming, the possible shifting of the poles, sudden freezing tempuratures that would flash freeze animals such as the mammoths. Many debate the flood theory because they fail to understand where the water came from. Scince the author quoted the bible I will feel free to do so myself ,Genesis 6:11 In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month, on this day all the springs of the vast watery deep were broken open and the floodgates of the heavens were opened.A water canopy above the earth along with the vast springs of the watery deep would account for the water that flooded the earth.Of course the flood account mentions that Noah was instructed to take animals with him each one according to its KIND. This means that it was not neccesary for Noah to bring along dinosaurs but only species belonging to the same kind or Genus of animal. This explains the extinction of land dwelling animals.However as for the water dwelling dinosaurs or "monsters" as they are called today Genesis 6:21-23 says"21 So all flesh that was moving upon the earth expired, among the flying creatures and among the domestic animals and among the wild beasts and among all the swarms that were swarming upon the earth, and all mankind. 22 Everything in which the breath of the force of life was active in its nostrils, namely, all that were on the dry ground, died. 23 Thus he wiped out every existing thing that was on the surface of the ground, from man to beast, to moving animal and to flying creature of the heavens, and they were wiped off the earth; and only Noah and those who were with him in the ark kept on surviving" Namely all that were on DRY ground were destroyed it would have been possible for water dwelling creatures to live we do after all still have fish existing with us today. So these stones and other relics and carvings would probably predate the flood of Noah's day,or it is possible that Noah took a few of the smaller species of dinosaur with him. As for the gods of ancient times if we look at mythology all myths of gods have similarities from the Norse to the Egyptian, Messepotamian, Greek, and even the Asian lands have similar stories. Once again the bible givs an explaination Genesis 6:1,2 " Now it came about that when men started to grow in numbers on the surface of the ground and daughters were born to them, 2 then the sons of the [true] God began to notice the daughters of men, that they were good-looking; and they went taking wives for themselves, namely, all whom they chose". The bible goes on to tell us that these defected sons, or angels, of God materialized in human form and produced hybrid offspring with the women on earth the Nephilem, or the Men of Fame. One bible transelation calls them the Heroes of old. We cannot read these accounts without thinking of the Myths of such Demi-Gods as Hercules and others in Greek and other myths. When the flood of Noah's day came only those in the ark were saved 8 people, the demi-gods, or the Nephilem and all the inhabitants of earth were destroyed. The defected angels, now reffered to as Demons, dematerialized and returned to the heavenly realm, they were then restricted by God from materializing again, however there influence is still felt today and it tis possible that they had a hand in spreading the Myths or legends of the ancient world. Many who read this may scoff at what the bilbe says, that is fine, but it does explain the events wich are failed to be explained by modern scientists. If anyone can unearth an ancient document explaining in detail the existence of two earths living in different universes 13 million years apart then you will have an argument to the bible. Until then however the two earth theory is just that a theory if you believe in it fine but what the bible says cannot be disputed by theories when it presents the facts.
dinosaurs very big n most of them are very dangerous, how could be humans can live together with them.....????
Comment from Marco Leon for Gods, Humans and Dinosaurs living together
I have 12 of the original Stones of Ica, I found them diging in the desert of Ica with Gello Uchulla Cousin of Vasilio. I need to sell them, may be some one its interested? e-mail me Thank you.
Comment from Aquarius for Gods, Humans and Dinosaurs living together
I enjoy these ideas but would like to add one small theory in here to be tossed around. Maybe in future times, we are to invent time travel? And the stones are what evidence we have? I am not sure about these 'gods' but perhaps, we will/have abuse/d time travel..? I'm sure someone else could elaborate on this theory better than I could.
Comment from The Protagonist for Gods, Humans and Dinosaurs living together
This is the dumbest thing anyone has written, EVER. To the author: You, sir, are a tool. Your theory makes about as much sense as your grammar. Having extensively studied the stones of Ica, I can tell you that there are only two theories that make any kind of sense. One, they are simply fakes. This would have been hard to pull as many were found beneath old houses and buildings. However, someone could have planted them there before those structures were erected, though the sense of doing such a thing is questionable. The one(s) behind the hoax may not have planned for the erection of buildings, however. Two, there has been a gross oversight by the scientific community regarding the evolution/timeline of man and/or dinosaur. More than likely, as is evidenced throughout the world, some few dinosaurs managed to survive whatever catastrophe may have struck (no one knows what happened to the dinosaurs, there are only conjectures) and for a time coexisted with man. That, or the dawn of man took place millions of years earlier than currently believed. This is far less likely. Personally, I tend to lean toward the dinosaur/man coexistence theory described above. All evidence points to it, which is unfortunate for your highschool Trekkie-theory. Good luck in the future, and nanu nanu! Or live long and prosper, or whatever the hell you geeks say. Oh, and by the way: as for your "negative gods" theory... I feel sorry for your mother.
Comment from Wisdom Fish for Gods, Humans and Dinosaurs living together
Sounds like proof of the multi-worlds theory. Maybe this wasn't our world, but one that our ancestors had access to in the dim past. Maybe Sir Arthur Conan Doyale got it right, there is a lost world in South America, it just that we lost access to it sometime in the past.
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