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These are a non-physical race of purely awesome ancient angelic beings from the Andromeda galaxy. They ultimately are the spiritual force behind the Ashtar command and are the leaders behind the Pleiadians and our whole human branch of evolution! Not only that, but they are the guiding power behind at least one other completely different branch of evolution: The Cygnusian races - quiet, slimy, amphibian like creatures who come from planets in the constellation Cygnus. Again, the way the Andromeda galaxy beings are helping the beings in our own Milky Way galaxy grow, is a macrocosmic example of how the Pleiadians civilization is helping our Earth civilization grow.

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Comment from kostadin for Andromedans
kostadin, My friends have encountered asterians
Comment from Toni for Andromedans
I am extremley interested about the andromedans. I would love to learn more about them and would like to know if there's ever a time they would help our civilisation out, or at least make it apparent to the world what is going on here?? :)
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