Allegedly inhabited by physical entities, both human and reptilian, beneath the surface and therefore 'safe' from the extreme surface conditions. Also allegedly inhabited (on the surface?) by human beings, possibly colonists from Terra- Earth, who somehow were able to 'phase' or generate their physical bodies' molecular structure into a '4th dimensional' existence wherein they now allegedly survive unaffected by the harsh 'physical' conditions. Other surface colonies allegedly exist in "biodome" cities, whereas still other reportedly live in the "antimatter" counterpart of "Venus" -- which in the "alternate" universe is partof a 12-planet alliance called the Koldasian alliance according to some contactees. The Pleiadians also claim to have colonized the "anti-matter" universe, which they call the DAL universe.
I had a fine friend who was a walkin from venus. She described the transition as a shift from the physical gross to the physical etheric. She had a bunch of cards with native venusian plants preserved on them.I had studdied herbal medicine and botany in general. One plant somewhat resembled Clover.That was it-I could not identify these plants as being anything but what they were reputed to be. she said the elders had used the akashic records to locate a suitable recipient donor. They noticed a school bus that crashed over an embankment, and showed up just in time of the accident, and they restored the little girl they had chosen.She thus had dual memories.