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The Popobawa - a Zanzibari Incubus


The infamous Popobawa has struck again causing panic in the Zanzibar islands off the coast of Tanzania in Africa. The "creature", described as a cyclops dwarf with bat-like wings and ears, and sharp talons, is feared for its nasty habit of sodomizing men while they sleep in their beds. The presence of the often invisible Popobawa can be detected by an acrid smell or a puff of smoke. Sometimes, the Popobawa is visible to everyone except the terrified victim. It is believed to take human form by day, but with pointed fingers. After doing its vile deed, the Popobawa instructs its victims to spread the word about their ordeal or it would be back.

The Popobawa, its name derived from the Swahili words for "bat" and "wing", first appeared in the neighboring island of Pemba in 1972. More attacks were reported in the 1980s, again in April of 1995, and recently in 2000 and July 2001. Attacks appear to coincide with political stress such as election. The 1972 attacks followed the assassination of the country's president. Interestingly, the recent attacks have come without any political turmoil.

Hospitals in Zanzibar have treated numerous broken ribs, bruises, and other injuries attributed to the Popobawa. One mentally ill man was hacked to death after confessing that he was the troublesome demon. During times when the Popobawa terrorizes the islands, whole families will often sleep arm-in-arm in front of their houses, seeking safety in numbers.

Mjaka Hamad, a peasant farmer in his mid-50s and a victim of the Popobawa's attacks in 1995, has related his ordeal to the media. "I could feel it," Hamad said. "...something pressing on me. I couldn't imagine what sort of thing was happening to me. You feel as if you are screaming with no voice. It was just like a dream but then I was thinking it was this Popobawa and he had come to do something terrible to me, something sexual. It is worse than what he does to women." Hamad claimed that he did not believe in the Popobawa or other spirits before the attack and suggests that is the reason he was attacked. "I don't believe in spirits so maybe that's why it attacked me. Maybe it will attack anybody who doesn't believe."

The Popobawa appears to be an African version of the wide-spread Mara phenomenon. Joe Nickell, an investigator with CSICOP (Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal), has compared the Popobawa to Medieval legends of succubi (female spirits) and incubi (male spirits) who sexually molested their victims in bed at night. In Newfoundland, an ugly old woman sexually molested men in a phenomenon known as Hagging. Other similar reports from around the world describe vampires, formless black blobs, and extraterrestrials among other bizarre entities.

Skeptics claim that these experiences are a result of a hypnogogic hallucination during a "waking dream". Paralysis, a sense of being weighted down, floating sensations, and encounters with otherworldly beings are often all unifying characteristics of the phenomenon.

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Comment from Approach for The Popobawa - a Zanzibari Incubus
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Comment from Winner for The Popobawa - a Zanzibari Incubus
Действительно удивили и даже порадовали :) Никогда не поверил бы, что даже такое бывает :)
Comment from Валентин for The Popobawa - a Zanzibari Incubus
Да уж Ну у вас либо талант писать, либо это скопипастено откуда-то! :)
Comment from Winter for The Popobawa - a Zanzibari Incubus
Даа... Но, как говорится в пословице, а воз и ныне там :)
Comment from Ярослав for The Popobawa - a Zanzibari Incubus
Интересно! На самом деле познавательно написано. :)
Comment from Федор Малкин for The Popobawa - a Zanzibari Incubus
Решил Вам помочь и разослал ссылку на этот пост в социальные букмарки. Надеюсь поднимется ваша популярность ;)
Comment from Альфред for The Popobawa - a Zanzibari Incubus
Прикольно написано, но мне кажется, что автор что-то не договаривает :)
Comment from мaлышyля for The Popobawa - a Zanzibari Incubus
Действительно интересно написано! Надобыотметить на ХабрХабре. :)
Comment from Владимир Семин for The Popobawa - a Zanzibari Incubus
Да уж, автор блога просто молодец! Пишите еще!
Comment from Бapaxa for The Popobawa - a Zanzibari Incubus
Любопытная статья, да и сам сайт я смотрю очень даже не плох. Попал сюда по поиску из Яндекса, занес в закладки :)
Comment from Артем Кузьмичев for The Popobawa - a Zanzibari Incubus
Отлично написано. А это все на основе Вашего личного опыта?Позвольте полюбопытствовать :)
Comment from Адам for The Popobawa - a Zanzibari Incubus
Большое спасибо за информацию, почитал с интересом
Comment from мeнимбaлaм for The Popobawa - a Zanzibari Incubus
Что касается самой темы, то мне кажется что ее актаульность будет выяснена только через некоторое время.
Comment from нapминa for The Popobawa - a Zanzibari Incubus
Уважаемые, а можно оставлять комментарии дейтвительно по теме, а не разную глупость типа Автор молодец и т.д.
Comment from Валерий for The Popobawa - a Zanzibari Incubus
Люблю сообщения в таком духе! Спасибочки :)
Comment from Phamerssnorse for The Popobawa - a Zanzibari Incubus
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Comment from Владислав Лебедев for The Popobawa - a Zanzibari Incubus
Я практически никогда не сомневался в Ваших интеллектуальных способностях, но поймите, не все такие как Вы. :)
Comment from жEлтЫйкOт for The Popobawa - a Zanzibari Incubus
Действительно интересно! Хотелось бы побольше точно таких же интересных постов
Comment from Степан for The Popobawa - a Zanzibari Incubus
Жуть :) Надо сообщение использовать в корыстных целях. Просто обязательно!
Comment from Рубен for The Popobawa - a Zanzibari Incubus
Да...! Это точно всем пригодится.
Comment from Яков for The Popobawa - a Zanzibari Incubus
Такой информации, считаю, и так достаточно, чтобы сделать вывод, как не надо делать.
Comment from цыпoчкa for The Popobawa - a Zanzibari Incubus
Народ в таких случаях так говорит - Ахал бы дядя, на себя глядя. :)
Comment from плoxaя for The Popobawa - a Zanzibari Incubus
Хороший блог :) Люблю почитывать каждую ночь (ну и в другое время тоже :)).
Comment from Balashka for The Popobawa - a Zanzibari Incubus
НЕ в тему немного, но радует, что автор к блогу не просто тупо взял какую то тему для ВП, а сделал что то свое и вкладывает в это дело душу.
Comment from вopcepдeчки for The Popobawa - a Zanzibari Incubus
Текст действительно понравился, особенно последний абзац хорош :)
Comment from NotMozart for The Popobawa - a Zanzibari Incubus
Homophobia by homophobes. Jeez this one is so easy. A wife catches her husband... and a mythical beast is born. Be gay if you're gay and that makes you happy. It's really ok. We all still love you.
Comment from durnWrinc for The Popobawa - a Zanzibari Incubus
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Comment from ZCsemHkgPPQVrpPsMo for The Popobawa - a Zanzibari Incubus
Nice site!
Comment from yhpFlVLufY for The Popobawa - a Zanzibari Incubus
Nice site!
Comment from 1s7t5140jq for The Popobawa - a Zanzibari Incubus
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