Barney, a mail carrier, and Betty, a social worker, were returning home one night from a short vacation, on September 19, 1961, when they suddenly spotted a bright object in the sky. Barney stopped the car and used a pair of binoculars to get a better look at the object. He could make out a disk-like object moving strangely in the night sky. He then walked into a nearby field, for a closer look. He could then make out small structures that looked somewhat like windows. To his astonishment, he noticed beings looking back at him, through the windows. This frightened him, and he ran back to his car and they proceeded to drive away. They drove down a side road and saw five humanoid aliens blocking their path. They were then taken from their car and led into a UFO, in a trance-like state. Most of their encounter was uncovered while under hypnosis, for when they arrived home, they had discovered nearly two hours had been missing, and they remembered almost nothing from the event. They were disturbed by strange dreams and the foreboding feeling that something extraordinary had occured during those two hours. While under hypnosis, the Hills both told similar stories of being taken into a craft of some kind, and subjected to several physical and mental examinations. Betty also claimed to be shown a star map while on board. In 1964, while under hypnosis, Betty drew a remarkable recreation of the star map that concurred with other professionally drawn maps. She also indicated the location of two stars called Zeta 1 and Zeta 2 Reticuli, in which she said was the aliens home base. The amazing part is that the existence of these two stars wasn't confirmed until 1969 and Betty had no understanding of astronomy, to make such a map.
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The text states that Barney was a mail carrier. What is the source for that information? He worked for the Post Office but I have been unable to find his specific job title.