April 24, 1964 marked the date one one of the most fascinating UFO cases in history. At approximately 5:45pm, officer Lonnie Zamora of the Socorro, New Mexico Police Department, was in pursuit of a speeding black chevrolet, north on U.S. 85. Suddenly he heard a noise and saw a flash of light coming from the direction of a local dynamite shack owned by the mayor of Socorro. Fearing that possibly there had been an explosion, he immediately left pursuit of the chevrolet and turned in the direction of the disturbance. As he got closer to the location, he spotted what he thought at first might be an overturned vehical. He paused for a moment and noticed two figures outside, close to the object. The figures are described as being about the size of either small adults or large children, wearing what resembled white coveralls. It wasn't long before he realized that this was not a car. The object appeared to be made of a smooth, shiny metal. It was oval or egg-shaped and white in color. It stood held up by what appeared to be four telescopic legs. One of the figures stopped and looked towards the approaching police car and seemed to be startled by Zamora's presence. He then lost sight of them and he radioed the sheriff's office that he was getting out of his car and approaching on foot. He then got out and started to approach the strange object, when he began to hear a low frequency roar that grew louder. The object began to rise and he noticed a blue and orange flame but didn't notice any smoke. He became frightened and fearing that the object might explode, he scrambled behind his patrol car. He stumbled in the excitement and lost his glasses for a moment. The roar soon began to fade and Zamora looked up in time to see the object in the air and moving away, until out of sight.
Zamora then radioed the radio operator at the station again and asked if they could see the object out the window from their location. Unfortunately they could not see the object due to the poor position and angle of the windows. Within an estimated three minutes of the objects disappearance, Sergeant Sam Chavez arrived on the scene. When the men examined the area, they were soon to discover that the craft had left physical evidence behind. They discovered four depressions in the soul, apparently from the objects landing gear. They also discovered that the blast from the object had charred the area, as bushes and grass were still smoldering. Dr. J. Allen Hynek was astronomical consultant to the Air Force's Project Blue Book and is credited for coining the term "close encounter of the third kind". He originally made an investigation of the case and was impressed with Zamora's sincerity. In his report to the Air Force, Hynek wrote, "From all of the above and from my personal observations, I would conclude the following: That Zamora, although not overly bright or articulate, is basically sincere, honest and reliable. He would not be capable of contriving a complex hoax, nor would he have the slightest interest in such...". At least nine people were witness to the landing marks within hours of the event and according to Hynek, one of those men was Art Burns of the FBI. Although Hynek was never able to interest the Air Force in making an in-depth investigation, he personally continued to look into the case for nearly a year. Several months later on March 12 and 13, 1965, Hynek made a return investigation. He hoped to find some cracks in Zamora's story or character, but was unable to.
The Socorro sighting made national news. Some people suspected that it was all a hoax but the general opinion was that if it were a hoax, Lonnie Zamora had also been a victim and was not part of it. Opel Grinder, manager of the Whitting Brothers' Service Station on 85 North, claimed that an unknown tourist stopping through, had commented about an odd, low-flying object that had flown over his car, towards the direction of the gully were Zamora had his encounter. He then commented on how he had noticed a police car heading up that same direction. The supposed witness was never identified, so the claim could not be verified. Two days after the Socorro sighting, the Orlando Gallego family of La Medera, New Mexico, reported seeing a UFO land that matched the description of the one at Socorro. Police officers found charred vegetation and four depressions in the soil at the La Medera site also. At the Socorro sighting, Zamora also had noticed a large insignia on the side of the object that UFO author, Jacques Vallee, would identify as the Arabic Astrological sign for Venus. Another reported strange anomaly from the Socorro case, is that the smoldering bushes appeared cold to the touch. Some investigators have suggested that perhaps it was all a hoax to create a tourist attraction, but if this is the case, a tourist attraction never developed.
In Soorro is located the New Mexico Institute of Mining and technology. I attended this schol in the late 50's and early 60's. It was a strange place. There were 7 Nobel Prize winners who taught 1 class a day. There were underground places called Low Level tritiam Labs that were off limits. The Noblel profs worked there. It was said that a lot of the original A-bomb work was done there. Outside of town in the desert the government was working on surface to air missles. A lot of strange lights in the sky. They had an air craft stress testing machine and there was an airplane grave yard. Students would sneek in and steal machine guns. Whenever you have students near junk missels and and airplanes, then you have a high probability of a hoax..