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Psychotronic weapons : Brain Manipulation From a Distance

That it is feasible to manipulate human behavior with the use of subliminal, either sound or visual, messages is now generally known. This is why in most of the countries the use of such technologies, without consent of the user, is banned. Devices using light for the stimulation of the brain show another way how the light flashing in certain frequencies could be used for the manipulation of human psychic life. As for the sound, a report on the device transmitting a beam of sound waves, which can hear only persons at whom the beam of sound waves is targeted, appeared last year in the world newspapers. The beam is formed by a combination of sound and ultrasound waves which causes that a person targeted by this beam hears the sound inside of his head. Such a perception could easily convince the human being that it is mentally ill. The acts presented in this article suggest that with the development of technology and knowledge of the functioning of human brain new ways of manipulation of human mind keep emerging. One of them seems to be the electromagnetic energy.

Though in the open scientific literature only some 30 experiments were published, supporting this assumption (1),(2), already in 1974, in the USSR, after succesfull testing with military unit in Novosibirsk, the installation Radioson (Radiosleep) was registered with the Government Committee on the Matters of Inventions and Discoveries of the USSR, described as a method of induction of sleep by means of radio waves (3), (4), (5). In the scientific literature technical feasibility of making a human being asleep by radio waves is confirmed in the book by English scientist carrying out research on the biological effects of electromagnetism (6). In the report by World Health Association on nonionizing radiation from 1991 we read "Many of biological effects observed in animals exposed to ELF fields appear to be associated, either directly or indirectly, with the nervous system" (2).

Among the published experiments there are experiments where pulsed microwaves caused the synchronization of isolated neurons with the frequency of pulsing of microwaves - for example a neuron firing at a frequency 0.8 Hz was forced in this way to fire the impulses at a frequency of 1 Hz. As well pulsed microwaves changed the concentration of neurotransmitters in brain (neurotransmitters are a part of the mechanism which causes the firing of neurons in the brain) and reinforced or attenuated the effects of drugs delivered into the brain (1). The experiment where the main brain frequencies registered by EEG were synchronized with therequency of microwave pulsing (1,2) might explain the function of the Russian installation Radioson. Microwaves pulsed in the sleep frequency would cause the synchronization of the brain activity with the sleep frequency and in this way produce the sleep. Pulsing of microwaves in frequency predominating in the brain at awaked state could by the same procedure deny the sleep to a human being.

A report derived from the testing program of the Microwave Research Department at the Walter Read Army Institute of research states "Microwave pulses appear to couple to the central nervous system and produce stimulation similar to electric stimulation unrelated to heat". In a many times replicated experiment microwaves pulsed in an exact frequency caused the efflux of calcium ions from the nerve cells (1,2). Calcium plays a key role in the firing of neurons and Ross Adey, member of the first scientific team which published this experiment, publically expressed his conviction that this effect of electromagnetic radiation would interfere with concentration on complex tasks (7).

Robert Becker, who had share in the discovery of the effect of pulsedields at the healing of broken bones, published the excerpts from the reportrom Walter Reed Army Institute testing program. In the first part "prompt debilitation effects" should have been tested (8). Were not those effects based on the experiment by Ross Adey and others with calcium efflux ? British scientist John Evans, working in the same field, wrote that both Ross Adey and Robert Becker lost their positions and research grants and called them "free-thinking exiles" (6). In 1975, in the USA, a military experiment was published where pulsed microwaves produced, in the brain of a human subject, an audio perception of numbers from 1 to 10 (9). Again the possibility to convince human being that it is mentally ill is obvious.

The testing program of American Walter Read Army Institute of Research, where the experiment took place, counts with "prompt auditory stimulation by means of auditory effects" and finally aims at "behavior controled by stimulation" (8). Let us imagine that the words delivered into the brain were transcribed into ultrasound frequencies. Would not then the subject perceive those words as his own thoughts? And could not then his behavior be controled in this way? The American Air Force 1982 "Final Report On Biotechnology Research Requirements For Aeronautical Systems Through the Year 2000" states: "While initial attention should be toward degradation of human performance through thermal loading and electromagnetic field effects, subsequent work should address the possibilities of directing and interrogating mental functioning, using externally applied fields" (10). Several scientists warned that latest advances in neurophysiology could be used for the manipulation of human brain. In June 1995, Michael Persinger, who worked on the American Navy's project of Non-lethal electromagnetic weapons (11), published, in a scientific magazine, an article where he states: the technical capability to influence directly the major portion of the approximately six billion brains of the human species without mediation through classical sensory modalities by generating neural information within a physical medium within which all members of the species are immersed is now marginally feasible" (12). In 1998, the French National Bioethics Committee warned that neuroscience is being increasingly recognized as posing potential threat to human rights" (13).

In May 1999 the neuroscientists conference, sponsored by the UN, took place in Tokyo. In the declaration we read: "Today we have intellectual, physical andinancial resources to master the power of the brain itself, and to develop devices to touch the mind and even control or erase consciousnessWe wish to profess our hope that such pursuit of knowledge serves peace and welfare" (14).

The events at the international political scene, in the last few years, confirm that the concept of remote control of human brain is a matter of negotiations. In January 1999 the European Parliament passed a resolution where it calls for an international convention introducing a global ban on all developments and deployments of weapons which might enable any form of manipulation of human beings." (15) Already in 1997 nine states of the Union of Independent States addressed OUN, OBSE and the states of the Interparliamentary Union with the proposal to place at the agenda of the General Assembly of the Organization of United Nations the preparation and conclusion of an international convention On Prevention of Informational Wars and Limitation of Circulation of Informational Weapons" (17), (3). The initiative was originaly proposed, in the Russian State Duma, by Vladimir Lopatin (1). V. Lopatin worked,rom 1990 to 1995, in sequence, in the Committees on Security of the Russian Federation, Russian State Duma and Interparliamentary Assembly of the Commonwealth of Independent States, specializing in informational security (3).

The concept of informational weapon or informational war is rather unknown to the world general public. In 1999, V. Lopatin, together with Russian scientist Vladimir Tsygankov, published a book Psychotronic Weapon and the Security of Russia".

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Comment from Ronaldo Lacerda Cruz for Psychotronic weapons : Brain Manipulation From a Distance
Brazil Traficantes Armas Psicotronicas S?o Paulo Diadema Piraporinha TRAVESSA ETCD vila Nova Conquista Ronaldo Lacerda Cruz INDIVIDUO ALVO nucleo habitacional ex favela da Coca Eles usam dentro de suas casa e publicamente se fazem de religioso como se nada tivesse acontecendo o foco assediando torturando foco deles trafico Patente USA 3951134
My name is Melanii Anderson also known as Melanii Diva. I have been a targeted individual for the past year now. I am now based in Oakleigh, Melbourne. Australia. I do know it is my old neighgbour from 7 Adrian st, Springvale. The first suspect is a 34 year old male an ex police officer and he may even been involved in the Military. He is tall, medium build and black hair. His girlfriend or partner is also an ex police officer, she has mousy blonde hair and was seen driving a silver car on her P plates. The 3rd suspect is a computer repairman called Nick. They would of been on camera view in front of the Ibus Hotel in Dandenong on the 23rd of November 2015. these suspects even rented the garage from 1 Vardon st, Springvale to stalk me. I gave names of witnesses to Constable Mccook at Springvale poluce station.
If you read this article, TI's should not be confident about their situation. I pity for the fact that TI's feel depressive or even mentally ill. This doesn't change the situation. I try to study physics, and other parts of science. When I read an article like this, I read evidence in a shattered form. It is not clear. They shift very rapidly in time. I don't read: Dr. X has proven that they can make a scan or even put voices in someones head from a distance. I have to warn you. If this keeps going on, an there is still a lack of knowledge on this topic - mind reading from a distance - then TI's have nothing to rely on. Consider, to be at the wrong end. Consider to be delusional. This would not say that you are mentally ill. It's a task to be relative and neutral on the case. There is no evidence that mind control really exist. Not on this term. And I am the first one to say, I am -not- a targeted individual. In my opinion it doesn't make sense. What doesn't say I am not interested in articles about this interesting topic, but I am not easily to convince this is true. We simply need much more evidence to know this could be true, and sadly there is no more. Only shattered information. What Dhr. Michael Persinger said we already know, I need him front of me, and to show me. We only got a fact of the god helmet. I'm sorry TI's that ain't a distance, that ain't mind reading, that ain't putting voices in someones head. I'm a bit skeptical, but I consider it a healthy state of mind. I only believe what they can show me on real facts, and another time, sorry, this evidence above is to thin. I'm sorry for that...
Hello i'm nathan haack and for the last couple of years i've been under attack with physical and mental torture by an outlaw motorcycle gang that have managed to get their hands on a psychotronic weapon of sorts. Mostly they claim to be bandidos yet at other times they claim to be rebels but whoever they are they have one purpose and that is to use their device to make me kill myself and cause me as much pain and anguish as possible along the way. The fact they have threatened women and children on multiple occasions only to turn around saying these women and children would not have been threatened if i had of killed myself when they told me to shows a lot about their calibre.. Whatever the weapon they have is, they see and here what i see and hear, can beam voices into my head, manipulate my taste smell vision and balance, cause pain in almost any body part, make me pee every 10 minutes, stop me from sleeping or wake me up no matter how tired I am with intense brain aneurism like pains. I flew from cairns to melbourne which is from one end of the country to the other and is the 2nd longest flight in Australia (3000kms) From take off to touch down they taunted and threatened me with what they had planned for me after I touched down in melbourne and as i walked out the arrivals lounge doors my vision went all purple for 10 seconds and then they hit me with a massive aneurism like pain at the top of my skull that dropped me to my knees. Once i had shaken it off i stood up and looked around, only to see about 10 bikies standing around with some pointing at me and laughing while others glared at me and they followed close behind me, abusing me all the way to my bus home just like they said they would during the flight and i know i'm not psychic. After they were able to do this to me during the whole 3hrs of my flight I think their weapon works via satellite so i'm hoping to find some way of blocking that signal that links me to them so i can get on with my life but unfortunately i haven't found it yet.
what is the device used for brainmanipulation called
I'm too much of a mess ten years later after psychotronic abuse whilst serving 6 months for motoring offences in prison to even know where to start. Don't let the bastards break you.
I have experienced the power of psychotronic war fare. Beware those zombies have control over your mind there is no fire wall.
I am suffering some radio signal like mindcontrol mechine,jammer etc
I need help. I hear a high frequency all the time. This has been going on for years now. Not sure if I experienced a stroke a few years back as a result.
There is a mass mind control program currently being run by the US government being perpetuate on the public at large. A technology has been developed that allows a computer program to be feed into the neural network of persons mind that allows it to have autonomous control of a persons nervous system. This distribution of technology into a person effects their very being and its use against a person will should be regarded as a gross human rights violation. The interference of a person being against there will is tantamount to rape. This is a call for the united nations to: 1)recognize this technology exists 2) ban the use of technology 3) for its use to be regarded as a human rights violation (the control of a person nervous system without their consent) 4) for the people who distribute this technology to be brought to justice. 5) Recognition of privacy of mind 6) the right to self determination of mind 7) the right to complete control of mind 8) the out right ban of mind control state. To those that ?know? Can you remove it? Will it go if ask?. Its speaks of ?us? to us. But what is us. IF you are with a friend there is a shared experience and a democracy of between two people . when you ask someone to go they go. Does it go? Is there there really an us. Is democracy. Do we all get to deiced what is ?led? ant what is not. There Regardless of your beliefs this technology it is being distributed to change our society and as such needs to be discussed in a public forum. That is how secular democracy works. Those that know speak free about it not covertly. Raise awareness of it. To those who are distributing this technology. Speak out send your experience and knowledge of this technology To have sex with someone without there consent is rape. To touch someone with out there permission is assault. It is the same to control someone nervous system with out there consent. You believe you just ?are? but you need to have a good look at yourselves and what you are doing. Without consent you are perpetuating a crime against humanity. you must realize that the dissemination of your belief structure on to a person?s being against their will is wrong. Think of another group in society forcing their belief structure into your very being. Controlling your dreams. You believe you are good so many groups in the world but would you like led by them. If another country did it, it would be considered an act of war United Nations Declaration Of human rights. . The forceful control of a persons nervous system is in violation of artical 3 Article 3. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person. To force your belief structure on to another person is violation of article 2 (are you being led?) Article 2. • Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty. The interference with someone?s mind and body is in violation of article 12 Article 12. • No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks. The force of a belief structure an interference with a person mind on to another person is in violation of article 18 and 19 ( are you being led?) Article 18. • Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance. Article 19. Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. A person has the right to self determination in their own minds with out interference A has the right to full control of thier nervous system without interference The distribution of this technology is being run in covertly. For goals above be met 1) It proven that this technology exists. The mechanism for the distribution of this technology must be found. I ask those who have this technology in them to speak out. 2) Public awareness must be raised of technology. ASK THAT ALL THAT READ THIS TO DISTRIBUTE THIS ACROSS THE INTERNET. THIS TECHNOLOGY MUST BE BAND. I ALSO ASK THAT PEOPLE LOOK FOR THE MECHNISM THIS TECHNOLOGY IS DISTRIBUTED. PROOF IS NEEDED FOR RATIONAL DEBATE. I SUSPECT THAT IT THROUGH SOME SORT OF SIGNAL DISTRIBUTED THROUGH THE POWER GRID BUT IM NOT SURE. IF U KNOW MAKE IT KNOWN. ?IT TIME TO SHOW YOUR FACE? .
The NSA and the airforce regulate the use of voice to skull technologies for the US. Since the use of these technologies is not banned by law the government may use them at will. The only way to stop the electronic abuse of civilians is to expose the technology in its entirety, that means enough technical data so the technology can be reproduced and demonstrated to show the possible detrimental effects it has on a human being. Not exposing a working technical example renders all the articles useless in stopping the torture of innocent women and children with these technologies. Work must continue to further research and explain the finer technical points that will allow ordinary people to reproduce this technology themselves which will allow demonstrations in court that will convince a jury of 12 ordinary citizens. It's not rocket science and every major country in the world already has the technology in their military arsenal so there is no reason to keep it secret. It is only a secret from normal civilians and it is only used on civilians now that the big secret is known worldwide by governments.
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Dec 15 2006 Microwave Sickness / Deadly Electronic Weapons / Canada Hello When I worked in the diesel generator business, I worked with a lot of communications companies all across Canada. Bell Canada was a big one I did a lot of work with. They have "standby diesel generators" at their central offices and all their repeater stations. A lot of "national security" concerns within these systems. I worked on a fairly large "fibre optics" project in 1996 into 1997 when I was poisoned for the first time in 1997 People within these systems have more than enough resources to make you "sick" if you ......"step on the wrong toes." Lots of surlpus "microwave generators." and "radio equipment." All with "no forensic evidence." It just takes one "idiot" to put something together who does not like you. There may be a union / non union theme to my problems. I worked at a non union company, Harper Detroit Diesel. I had no idea about "radio waves as weapons" until 2005, ......8 years after I initially got sick I started my research project in January 2004 on the internet with the keywords "constructive dismissal" in relation to my own problems at Harper Detroit Diesel. I am not sure about ......"microwave mind control", seems to be a lot of articles on the internet about this topic. It does look like more and more people world wide are looking at ......"radio waves as weapons". Continued......
I think maybe thats because there is now so much "radio equipment"around the world with the advancements in "communications." The problems with all these types of systems is the technology falls into the wrong hands. Some real horror stories from people worldwide about this topic on the internet. What an eye opener !
Gerry Duffett 3358-A McCowan Rd Basement Scarborough Ontario Canada M1V 5P5
Its all in the manual they make you read before they download your being into those tiny bodies in those dark wombs.
I keep quoting these dead white guys for a reason. We seem to be repeating some particularly nasty history, right now.
Ah, the land of the free! You have the right to free speech as long as you speak English. --- best regards, Greg
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Psychotronic Weapons - The destruction of Homo Sapiens!!! The following could you tell about Psychotronic Weapon If you would transform into a decaying cadaver meat: -From which even allocation zombiing by signals are released from meat tortures convulsive shock to paralyze a direct gut; -From which guts are torn to freedom from a mouth from attempts by something to feel; -If your eyes would be fried and grew dumb with the destroyed visual brain zones from your attempts to see; -If you would be torturing by brainzombiing vibrations of your vocal chords; -If acoustical fabrics would be drilled by a pain and bursted from zombiing shock, torture shock-impulse; -If from yours up to a direct gut all bodies of a stomach would destroy drinks to you shock-impulsive painful vibration; -If you would devour in the afternoon and at night lively biting teeth in yours with a pain a pulsing brain fabric and chewed your brain in your skull; -If you would devour with your hormones, enzymes and all internal secretion of yours gland; -If you would be torturing and zombiing a diarrhoea and locks, spoiling and decomposing your intestines; -If you regularly would leave in this meat electro-paralysed a shock-impulsive without ability to move and feel that it still your meat; -If you spoiled from a pain of tortures would come back in it tens times the destroyed and cooled cadaveric body; -If you regularly would cook from own blood, restoring to life after a mortal stop of your heart; -If you strangle a stop-paralyze of your lungs; -If electronic paralyze your body would dismember on is convulsive-pulsing parts-bodies, spoiling you in a multicellular piece of meat; -If your genitals would be spoiled in zombiing impulse meat injecting in blood hormones for switching-off of painful receptors; -If you mortal coagulation of your fibbers frying you alive; -If you torture blindness and deafness, destroying and spoiling your visual and acoustical fabrics; -If, constantly, putting fatal electroshocks, your heart have transformed into alarm meat, threatening you that during any instant you become dead; -If burning your eyes fun in your condition of a painful meat grinder; -If you torture, spoiling your blood vessels in prickly concentration camp-electricity-heated to the wiring; -If you would spoil in the bast sated by your blood and squeezed out your blood breaking off blood capillaries...; -If you strangle torture-paralyze yours drinks during reception would peep; -If tortures spoiling yours brain eye vision with effect of presence to chop off to you your hands and legs, gnawed from your stomach your intestines and all internal bodies...; -If you torture brain painfully to pull out your teeth destroying to blood your gums; -If spoiling your receptors of a smell torture you the stinking-gas chamber; -If would spoil your finiteness (hands, legs, fingers) in uncontrollable by you meat-bone atrophy...; -If you would be deformed spoil brainslavery in psychotronic shackles...; -If with a constant burning out and homogenization your brain have spoiled in no-structure it's dead-crystallised impulsive weight. Psychotronic Weapons are burning, killing and fire the sky above human, and reason also use people as meat dolls. The slander, lie, persecution of the organized retaliatory groupings, torture, prosecution and psychopathic secrets to close this criminal vile crime against humanity. The biological satellite weapon of mass defeat, the weapons of Mind Control, the weapons of Brain Manipulation , the weapon of torture and slavery or on another naming this killing weapon:Torsion Weapon , Electromagnetic and Neurological Weapons, Neuroweapons, Electronic Weapons, Psychophysical, Psychotronic mind-control weapons, Psychotronic, Acoustic Weapon, Energy Weapons, the weapon of zombiing and terror, make a boundless atrocity: people in brainless cadaveric meat collapse.
Psychotronic Weapons - the destruction of Homo Sapiens!!! The following could you tell about Psychotronic Weapon If you would transform into a decaying cadaver meat: -From which even allocation zombiing by signals are released from meat tortures convulsive shock to paralyze a direct gut; -From which guts are torn to freedom from a mouth from attempts by something to feel; -If your eyes would be fried and grew dumb with the destroyed visual brain zones from your attempts to see; -If you would be torturing by brainzombiing vibrations of your vocal chords; -If acoustical fabrics would be drilled by a pain and bursted from zombiing shock, torture shock-impulse; -If from yours up to a direct gut all bodies of a stomach would destroy drinks to you shock-impulsive painful vibration; -If you would devour in the afternoon and at night lively biting teeth in yours with a pain a pulsing brain fabric and chewed your brain in your skull; -If you would devour with your hormones, enzymes and all internal secretion of yours gland; -If you would be torturing and zombiing a diarrhoea and locks, spoiling and decomposing your intestines; -If you regularly would leave in this meat electro-paralysed a shock-impulsive without ability to move and feel that it still your meat; -If you spoiled from a pain of tortures would come back in it tens times the destroyed and cooled cadaveric body; -If you regularly would cook from own blood, restoring to life after a mortal stop of your heart; -If you strangle a stop-paralyze of your lungs; -If electronic paralyze your body would dismember on is convulsive-pulsing parts-bodies, spoiling you in a multicellular piece of meat; -If your genitals would be spoiled in zombiing impulse meat injecting in blood hormones for switching-off of painful receptors; -If you mortal coagulation of your fibbers frying you alive; -If you torture blindness and deafness, destroying and spoiling your visual and acoustical fabrics; -If, constantly, putting fatal electroshocks, your heart have transformed into alarm meat, threatening you that during any instant you become dead; -If burning your eyes fun in your condition of a painful meat grinder; -If you torture, spoiling your blood vessels in prickly concentration camp-electricity-heated to the wiring; -If you would spoil in the bast sated by your blood and squeezed out your blood breaking off blood capillaries...; -If you strangle torture-paralyze yours drinks during reception would peep; -If tortures spoiling yours brain eye vision with effect of presence to chop off to you your hands and legs, gnawed from your stomach your intestines and all internal bodies...; -If you torture brain painfully to pull out your teeth destroying to blood your gums; -If spoiling your receptors of a smell torture you the stinking-gas chamber; -If would spoil your finiteness (hands, legs, fingers) in uncontrollable by you meat-bone atrophy...; -If you would be deformed spoil brainslavery in psychotronic shackles...; -If with a constant burning out and homogenization your brain have spoiled in no-structure it's dead-crystallised impulsive weight. Psychotronic Weapons are burning, killing and fire the sky above human, and reason also use people as meat dolls. The slander, lie, persecution of the organized retaliatory groupings, torture, prosecution and psychopathic secrets to close this criminal vile crime against humanity. The biological satellite weapon of mass defeat, the weapons of Mind Control, the weapons of Brain Manipulation , the weapon of torture and slavery or on another naming this killing weapon:Torsion Weapon , Electromagnetic and Neurological Weapons, Neuroweapons, Electronic Weapons, Psychophysical, Psychotronic mind-control weapons, Psychotronic, Acoustic Weapon, Energy Weapons, the weapon of zombiing and terror, make a boundless atrocity: people in brainless cadaveric meat collapse.
These awful and disturbing weapons place an incredible burden on society and governments. Their effects are devastating and they simply must be banned.
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