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Altered States of Consciousness

NDE - Near Death Experiences
Near death experiences happen, when the spiritual entity leaves the matter body, which has been subjected to extreme stress by an accident, surgery or the like. There are several stages of separation from the body. If it happens during surgical procedures, as long as the body is alive the spiritual entity floats under the ceiling and watches what's going on. During this period the entity feels no pain and usually there is a peaceful feeling. If life is to continue in the matter body at some point of time the entity enters the matter body again. When consciousness returns pain is felt again.

In the next stage the entity is pulled through a tunnel toward a light - the expression "light at the end of the tunnel" refers to this situation. - Upon exiting the tunnel the entity meets other entities, usually relatives or friends who passed on earlier. These are very supportive and help the entity to understand what's going on. This is as far as a near death experience can go. Ultimately, the entity is told that his/her time to die has not come yet and then returns into the matter body.

The symptoms of a near death experience can also be activated by intentionally induced extreme stress, for instance, by very high g forces in a jet fighter or by this centrifuge type training device, which also produces very high g values. This does not mean that near death experiences are not genuine. It just means that there is a spiritual mechanism, which is activated as soon as a person approaches the threshold of death.

On rare occasions, persons who had a near death experience report having been to a terrible place where horrendous suffering was going on. One should think that people who went through this terrible ordeal believe that they had been in hell. Therefore, many probably won't talk about such an experience. Only few are ready to admit that they did not qualify for the good place.

OBE - Out of Body Experiences

Initially are the same as the first phase of a near death experience. The spiritual entity leaves and floats above the body. This does not require a stressful situation like surgery and can happen any time day or night from sleep or waking state. Some induce OBEs with drugs; others don't need anything to make it happen.

During reconstruction after hurricane George a 2x4 plank fell on my wife's head. She was unconscious for a little while and woke up with a terrible headache. An MRI showed no injuries of the brain. Nonetheless, in the weeks and months following the accident my wife a number of Out-of-Body Experiences. These could happen at any time of day or night without any apparent reason. Suddenly, she would find herself floating under the ceiling looking down on her body, which usually was comfortably stretched out in her favorite recliner. Initially, this came as a great shock to her because she thought she was dying.

As she got used to this experience she started floating through the entire house. She found herself always right under the ceiling and she was gliding through the walls as if they were not there. She kept this her secret until one day she came storming into the kitchen very angry. I had a chat with my daughter about her and we expressed our concerns about her behavior, which sometimes was quite irritable after the accident. She proved that we were right and this way we found out that she had been floating under the ceiling listening to everything we talked about. When she got real angry she found herself back in her body and went to the kitchen to give us a piece of her mind.

Finding out about her OBEs explained the behavior of our animals that evidently knew about it. I thought my wife was sleeping in her favorite chair and three cats and our three dogs were around her. It was always the same configuration. The two male dogs were lying to the left and right and the female was in front of the chair. One male cat was nibbling on her little finger, the female was kneading her solar plexus and the second male cat was pushing his head against her chin. Then I remembered that Cindy, the female cat who normally only walked very slowly as she was so fat, sometimes came running as fast as she could towards my wife's bedroom. Shortly afterwards the male cats and the dogs joined in. I realized that the animals sensed when my wife was out of body and called her back. My wife confirmed that the animals repeatedly had made her go back in her body when she had been floating overhead. - As time went by the headaches stopped and so did the OBEs.


Humans, animals, everybody dreams. There are several stages of sleep and in the rem stage -rapid eye movements - dreams interrupt the otherwise quiet rest. There are many kinds of dreams. Some people dream in color others only in black and white. There are beautiful dreams and then there are nightmares. Basically, dreams are the sign that the right half of the brain, which processes the unconscious, is sorting out data.

The unconscious cannot make a difference between reality and dream event and this is extremely important. Consequently, negative spiritual patterns the unconscious considers to be too threatening to have them lived out in real life can be lived out in dreams. Dreams is also the unconscious' way to warn the conscious of imminent dangers or foretell an important event. As it only can convey images and feelings a dream is the one way the unconscious can express itself.

There was a time in my life when I had a recurring dream of the car breaks failing. When I had the car checked out the front disk brake on the left side was broken. The mechanic told me that I was extremely lucky to have come in time. Driving on steep hills and winding roads at that time I could have had a very serious accident. - When I was a young man I had a recurring dream about a very pretty girl. I had no idea who she was until I met her. She was my special friend for several years.

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