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Noah's Arc

Mountain Ararat Captured from Space

Is Noah's Ark a fact or a fiction? Are there credible evidences to substantiate the biblical claims that Noah's ark is a historic reality and not a myth? Whether Noah's ark is a fact or fiction -- the unexplainable thing is that every culture and civilization in the past and in the present have been immensely influenced by the story of Noah's ark.

History is replete with accounts of scientists, archaeologists, explorers, critics and skeptics of the ark story embarking in expeditions and scientific investigations using satellites, computers, powerful cameras and other sophisticated equipment and tools attempting to pinpoint the exact location of the 5,000-yearold wooden ark atop a mountain in Eastern Turkey - despite insurmountable odds. Many have failed, others have died, and not a select few executed documented testimonies that they were awed to see personally evidences of the existence of Noah's ark that according to biblical account landed on top of Mount Ararat.

Simply put, people of all ages and culture have never given up searching for this ancient biblical ark despite the death-defying climbs to the biblical site. Indeed, if Noah's ark is a fact and a reality, it is one if not the greatest archeological finding ever. On the other hand, if Noah's ark is just a legend or a myth or a fiction, it is the oldest running hoax in history.

One may ask: Why is the search for the biblical ark that has challenged many people of different creed, races and professional background concentrated only in Mount Ararat? Simply because in the ancient biblical story of the mighty and universal flood narrated in the Book of Genesis of the Old Testament, Noah's ark is supposed to have rested "on the mountain of Ararat." In the words of the Holy Bible: "The waters flooded the earth for one hundred and fifty days... At the end of the hundred and fifty days the water had gone down and on the seventeenth day of the seventh month the ark came to rest on the mountain of Ararat."

Critics say that it was impossible for an old man during ancient times (like Noah, grandson of Methuselah) to have the constructive skill to undertake a massive construction job like a gigantic barge. How could Noah then 480 years old have the technical wisdom which far outshone the ingenuity of his contemporaries? But more than this puzzling thing. How can four people (Noah and his three sons) have the capability to construct a huge 3-storey vessel?

What seemed to be overlooked by bible critics is the fact that the ark was supernaturally designed by God and it took Noah and his three sons about 120 years to complete its construction. From biblical account, it was our almighty and omniscient God who personally gave Noah instructions as the specifications of the ark.

Thus, in Genesis 6:14-18, God said to Noah: "So make yourself an ark of cypress; make rooms in it and coat it with pitch inside and out. This is how you are to build it. The ark is to be 450 feet long, 75 feet wide and 45 feet high. Make a roof for it and finish the ark to within 18 inches of the top. Put a door in the side of the ark and make lower, middle and upper decks. I am going to bring floodwaters on the earth to destroy all life under the heavens, every creature that has the breath of life in it. Everything on earth will perish. But I will establish my covenant with you and you will enter the ark - you and your sons and your wife and your son's wives with you."

Mount Ararat, the site mentioned in the Holy Bible as the place where Noah's ark landed after the universal flood is a mountain in western Asia. The place is now part of Eastern Turkey. To the Turks, the mountain is called Aghri Dagh, meaning "the painful mountain." To the Hebrews, the place called "the mountain of descent." To the Persians, Mount Ararat is "Kuhl-nuh" or the mountain of Noah or Saad Dagh, "the blessed mountain." The Armenians call the place Masis which means "mother of the world." However, the ancient Armenians name was Masis Leusar meaning "the mountain of the ark." What is coincidental is that almost all the names attributed to Mount Ararat and even the towns surrounding it relate the place to the history of Noah's ark. A town at the foot of the Ahora Gorge, the most rugged area of Mount Ararat is called Arghuri or Ahora which means "the planting of the vine." This name is believed to have been inspired by the biblical account that after the flood, Noah has planted his vineyard. There is also a town in the region called Sharmakh which means "Village of Noah." Another village by the name of Tabriz or Ta Baris means "the ship."

Mount Ararat is an awesome creation of God. It is one of the largest mountain in the world and certainly dominates the barren plains of Eastern Turkey. In contrast to its fiercely rugged and perilous terrain, there is a rainbow that appears daily over the northern part of the mountain with such indescribable beauty. The mountain is 17,000 feet high. Capped by a 17-square mile glacier, the winds blow more than 100 miles per hour. Unbelievably, there is a storm every afternoon, even during summer time - either in the form of rain, snow, or wind. One fellow who climbed Mount Ararat said that the temperature up the mountain can scale down to minus 40 degrees. Climbers to the mountain experience breathing problems and severe nausea due to toxic volcanic gases and the sulfur fumes emitted. What is terrifying when one is up on the glacier is the bottomless crevasses. Aside from the peak called Big Ararat, there is an adjacent mountain peak known as Little Ararat which is 3,000 feet above sea level and about 12,806 feet from the plains at the foot of the mountain. Up above the mountain, one can get a glimpse through the clouds into Russia, Iran and Turkey.

People wonder how a 5,000 year-old ark could be preserved up to this day. Many are unaware that Mount Ararat is at least 17 square mile s of solid ice year-round with the thickness of the ice ranging from 80 to 800 feet. One scientist made the startling revelation that this is like a refrigerator freezer that is perpetually frozen. In this condition, an ark can be preserved indefinitely. Unbelievers of the Noah's ark story raise the point that is impossible to see any object in this ice-filled condition. But then Mount Ararat is a volcanic mountain and the fissures and vents emit gases and steam from the mountain. This heat released through the surface then can result in the periodic cycles of meltback. Not to mention the hot and powerful East winds coming from the desert of Iran. Whatever causes the meltback cycles of the mountain - It is during the meltback times that parts of the ark become visible to climbers as well as to aerial observers and reconnaissance pilots.

Nowadays many people are still wondering whether Noah's ark is a fact or a fiction. Many people from all over the world in the past and in the present civilization get excited every time there are reports of evidences to substantiate the claim that Noah's ark is a historic reality. Last Sunday, July 22nd, I wrote an article about the mysterious Noah's ark. My article this week is the continuation of my last week's article.

Mount Ararat lies within a major earthquake fault zone. This explains the fact that earthquakes occur then and now. But it was the strong earthquake that rocked and shook Mount Ararat on June 20, 1840 that stimulated and challenged adventurers to pursue the search for the biblical Noah's ark. The powerful earthquake destroyed the ancient Armenian village of Arghulri (Ahora). Unbelievably, the happening of this catastrophic event unveiled the inner core of Mount Ararat and gradually melted the glacier which had been in deep freeze for ages... and lo! An ark said to resemble the biblical description of the Noah's ark was reportedly sighted amidst a slowly melting glacier.

Actually even before the 1840 earthquake of Mount Ararat, there have already been numerous rumors and reported sightings of an ark believed to be Noah's ark. Josephus and other ancient historians mentioned in their writings about the existence of the ark. Even medieval travelers and historians like Marco Polo mentioned that according to the Armenians the ark is preserved in Mount Ararat. It was only after the 1840 earthquake that more and more people developed great interest to search for the ark. Coincidentally too, all those challenged to search for the biblical ark had the same target site - Mount Ararat.

During World War II, there were several reported aerial sightings of the ark. One such report appeared in an US Army paper called Stars and Stripes. Also, a group of Russian flyers during World War II were able to take aerial photos of the ark protruding out of the ice in at least two occasions. This Russian aerial photo even appeared in some American papers. There are many other accounts of reported sightings of the ark.

Let me, however, mention here about an expedition in 1955 where a Frenchman named Fernand Navarra - acting on information from his Armenian friends went up to Mount Ararat four times between 1953 to 1955. He recovered from Mount Ararat a large piece of hand-tooled wooden timber lying in a deep crevasse in a large ice field. According to the Frenchman, deeper in the ice, he saw a dark mass which he believed were portions of the ark. The hand-tooled timber was displayed in Paris.

What does the Holy Bible say of Noah's ark? The Holy Bible says that the ark is 450 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet high with lower, middle, and upper decks (Genesis 6:15). Based on these figures, the ark had about 1.5 million cubic feet of space (a.5 feet to a cubic space). This space is even more than the total area of 20 modern-day standard basketball courts! Or a space equal to 569 extended railroad cars! By the way the gopher wood used in making the ark belongs to the cypress family that grows only in the plains of Euphrates.

Even those who believe in the Holy Bible find it hard to accept that there was enough space in the ark for all the animals that were taken on board. The Holy Bible says that Noah was instructed by the Lord "to bring into the ark two of all living creatures, male and female; to keep them alive with you. Two of every kind of animal and of every kind of creature that moves along the ground will come to you to be kept alive." (Genesis 6:19-20). The Word of God also says that the ark was big enough to accommodate all the animals. To bible-believing Christians, this statement found in the Holy Bible settles the issue as to whether there was enough space in the ark to accommodate all the animals brought on board the ark. But as expected, there are skeptics who do not believe in the authenticity of the Old Testament including the Noah's ark story. These skeptics say that since they do not believe in the authenticity of the Old Testament, it follows that the Genesis story of an ark floating on waters in a world wide flood is just a fiction and a fantasy. In short, to skeptics, this biblical account of Noah's ark is no longer relevant in our modern times. Today, many people also feel that there is really no logical basis for a shipwreck to be found on top of a mountain.

Many people are also wondering whether the members of the Noah's immediate family (Noah's wife, sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth and their 3 wives) were the only survivors of the mighty flood mentioned in the Book of Genesis in the Old Testament. In the Holy Bible, particularly (Genesis 6:7-8; 1 Peter 3:20; II Peter 2:5) only 8, including Noah survived the flood. There were no stowaways in the ark. In fact, the Holy Bible records that the Lord personally closed the door of the ark after all the animals and Noah and his family entered the ark.

For forty days, the flood lifted the ark high above the earth. The water rose and covered the mountains to a depth of more than 20 feet. (Genesis 7:17-20). The waters flooded the earth for 150 days (Genesis 7:24). On the 7th day of the 7th month, the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat. (Genesis 8:4-5) The Ararat mountain, unknown to many is not within the proximity of any great body of water. How the ark floated to that high elevated place is still an unsolved puzzle that continues to confound the human mind. Indeed, this is part of the mystery of the universal flood; of Noah's ark; and also the manner in which the flood water subsided. From biblical account, God sent a wind over the earth and the waters receded. This is found in Genesis 8:1 and also in Psalm 104:5-9. From the bible we also see a similar wind in the Book of Exodus 14:21 when the Lord caused a strong east wind to blow all night and turned the Red Sea into dry land. The Book of Psalm mentions how the flood water subsided.

From the biblical standpoint, Noah's ark did exist. This fact is confirmed not only in the Book of Genesis in the Old Testament but also in the New Testament particularly in the Book of 1 Peter 3:20; Book of Hebrews 1:27; Book of Luke 17:27 and in the Book of Matthew 24:38. No less than our Lord Jesus Christ mentioned about Noah, the ark, and the flood in the Book of Matthew.

All events happen in God's own time. The momentous day when Noah's ark will be exposed to the world will definitely strengthen the faith of the believers and will shock the unbelievers. It is not an impossible event that someday there will be a long dry hot spell powerful enough to melt totally the icy mantle up there in Mount Ararat and reveal to the whole world the reality of Noah's ark's existence.

Questions raised by critics of the Noah's ark like: how Noah gathered all the animals (from biblical account the creatures and animals went to the ark); or how Noah then 480 years old, and his 3 sons had the capability to build such a gigantic ark; or how an ark could be on top of a mountain; as well as other questions relating to the ark - are actually challenges to the absolute omnipotence of our Almighty God. If our God who created us has the power to resurrect Himself as well as others; if He was able to create everything out of nothing - of course He can do anything and everything including giving wisdom and direction to Noah to construct the huge ark.

The story of Noah's ark is just one of the many incidents and events recorded in the Holy Bible that is causing so much controversy among the modern "intellectuals" today.

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Comment from stevepeter83 for Noah's Arc
When you have too many facts, you won't have enough faith. We are limited to the boundaries of our science knowledge. We don't know what we don't know. Just because things can't be explained or proven scientifically does not mean that they do not exist. Science is what we create ourselves and although I love science, it still has this thing called Factor X which science itself can't explain. For us believers, we call that factor God.
Comment from BRENDAN for Noah's Arc
it seems that at the end of the day all Christians will just say that you must belive!' there is no real evidence to support their claims, however if you call yourself 'Christian' then to question what is told to you would be to question all that the church stands for. The church is so often blinkered by it's 'FAITH' that they will not see the ridiculousness of there claims!
Comment from bitcoin for Noah's Arc
bp79oag gdi7r1l olahknl ovgx78l lrgj7el.
Comment from Phemchiesia for Noah's Arc
Hello ALL! My name is Vitaliy Kokosko!!!
Comment from Gufran for Noah's Arc
My Friends thanks for the Story , it is really a true sign of allah and same is mention in Quran also. so it is my request who ever belive in true Bibile he should immedeatly convert to islam . coz after Jesus Muhammad (PBUH)is last the prophet and whole mankind has to belive in muhaammad(PBUH) and Quran then only he/she will consider as true beliver of Allah...
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Comment from wepriewu for Noah's Arc
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Comment from pb for Noah's Arc
I believe in the story of the flood and Noah, but I don't think the Ark will ever be found because it has long since been deconstructed and used for building materials and firewood. After the devsastation of the flood, why would Noah's family abandon a perfectly good ship and leave it to rot? Human nature tells us that the Ark was dismantled and used for constuction of houses and barns and whatever else people did in that day to build things.
Comment from pb for Noah's Arc
I believe in the story of the flood and Noah, but I don't think the Ark will ever be found because it has long since been deconstructed and used for building materials and firewood. After the devsastation of the flood, why would Noah's family abandon a perfectly good ship and leave it to rot? Human nature tells us that the Ark was dismantled and used for constuction of houses and barns and whatever else people did in that day to build things.
Comment from Paula for Noah's Arc
AWESOME ARTICLE.. God is the ONLY ONE..!!!!!!!
Comment from Ray Winsor for Noah's Arc
I enjoyed your article on Noah's Ark. It was fair, even from the point of view of a skeptic, which I'm not. I have no problem with the biblical account of a universal flood, for which there is plenty of scientific evidence. Nor do I have a problem with Noah's Ark, which is credible based on the details of its actual size, as compared to the mythological story of the size of the boat in the Gilamesh Epic which was in the shape of a cube and not very stable. Indeed, most of the details of the Gilamesh Epic are laughable and absurd compared to the credible details of Noah's Flood.
Comment from Ray Winsor. for Noah's Arc
Both the Gilamesh Epic and the Genesis account of Noah's Ark cannot be trrue--and it is very obvious to anyone interested in truth that the details which are very different and unbelievable in the Gilamesh Epic certainly were not borrowed from the Bible account of Noah's Flood. Yes, we must respect traditions but also the truth. One (the Gilamesh story is a myth) and the other (Noah's Flood) is true. If that were not so, scientists and skeptics would have stopped searching centuries ago to prove/disprove same. Have a good day.
Comment from acwa6x7i46 for Noah's Arc
Hi! Ebanij vrot! i5cz1wxels 7jxycyujbp!
Comment from Pole for Noah's Arc
Don't waste yourself in rejection, nor bark against the bad, but chant the beauty of the good.
Comment from Pole for Noah's Arc
Don't waste yourself in rejection, nor bark against the bad, but chant the beauty of the good.
Comment from Pole for Noah's Arc
Don't waste yourself in rejection, nor bark against the bad, but chant the beauty of the good.
Comment from Paul Ritchey for Noah's Arc
Gen. 7 says that there were 9 of each animal on the arc, not two. Seven pairs were clean and the rest not clean.
Comment from Specna for Noah's Arc
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Comment from Nepus for Noah's Arc
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Comment from Stalo for Noah's Arc
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Comment from Wernu for Noah's Arc
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Comment from Prasd for Noah's Arc
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Comment from Papa for Noah's Arc
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Comment from Prasd for Noah's Arc
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Comment from Nadsy for Noah's Arc
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Comment from Specna for Noah's Arc
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Comment from Hutsephetty for Noah's Arc
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Comment from Hutsephetty for Noah's Arc
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Nice site!
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Comment from Amfmvanda for Noah's Arc
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Comment from Hutsephetty for Noah's Arc
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Comment from Hutsephetty for Noah's Arc
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Comment from Hutsephetty for Noah's Arc
I'd prefer reading in my native language, because my knowledge of your languange is no so well. But it was interesting! Look for some my links:
Comment from Hutsephetty for Noah's Arc
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Comment from Hutsephetty for Noah's Arc
I'd prefer reading in my native language, because my knowledge of your languange is no so well. But it was interesting! Look for some my links:
Comment from Hutsephetty for Noah's Arc
I'd prefer reading in my native language, because my knowledge of your languange is no so well. But it was interesting! Look for some my links:
Comment from Hutsephetty for Noah's Arc
I'd prefer reading in my native language, because my knowledge of your languange is no so well. But it was interesting! Look for some my links:
Comment from Hutsephetty for Noah's Arc
I'd prefer reading in my native language, because my knowledge of your languange is no so well. But it was interesting! Look for some my links:
Comment from Hutsephetty for Noah's Arc
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Comment from asad for Noah's Arc
not raising an argument but wasnt noahs arc found 20 years ago? i remember seeing it on the TV and it was the quran not the bible that pin pointed its location. the show was banned by the US and was covered up. some one please research this.
Comment from hhfgdgdf for Noah's Arc
I have been looking for sites like this for a long time. Thank you!a
Comment from hhfgdgdf for Noah's Arc
Comment from hhfgdgdf for Noah's Arc
Your work is marvelous!!u
Comment from hhfgdgdf for Noah's Arc
Hello people! Nice site!e
Comment from lusmtepuun for Noah's Arc
Hello! Good Site! Thanks you! tmmhtbfombs
Comment from nrjbegaeeb for Noah's Arc
Hello! Good Site! Thanks you! gzrtdjisshgos
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Comment from Britney for Noah's Arc
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Comment from Amanda for Noah's Arc
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Comment from Saidich for Noah's Arc
03d80a8b bb2fc9c1 bdd Lucky to find you, keep on the good workk guys! Best of luck.
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Comment from Marshal for Noah's Arc
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Comment from btrdl for Noah's Arc
3cdafb94 5dd0c8a9 f56 Wonderful pages! Keep up the grat work.
Comment from hhfgdgdf for Noah's Arc
Great site!e
Comment from hhfgdgdf for Noah's Arc
Great site!o
Comment from hhfgdgdf for Noah's Arc
Thank you for you work! Good Luck.u
Comment from hhfgdgdf for Noah's Arc
Looking for information and found it at this great site:r
Comment from kckshj5kxw for Noah's Arc
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Comment from hhfgdgdf for Noah's Arc
Pretty nice site, wants to see much more on it!5
Comment from hhfgdgdf for Noah's Arc
Very nice work, admin :) Good luck!g
Comment from hhfgdgdf for Noah's Arc
Really perfect!o
Comment from hhfgdgdf for Noah's Arc
wow nice!2
Comment from hhfgdgdf for Noah's Arc
I just wanted to say WOW!i
Comment from fosscreek for Noah's Arc
Is it true (and Biblically supported) that, before the first drop of rain fell on Noah's Arc there had never before been such a thing as rain? Which scriptures either attests to this or denies it?
Comment from hhfgdgdf for Noah's Arc
thank you!t
Comment from hhfgdgdf for Noah's Arc
Really good site, and a pleasant suprise... Good Luck!S
Comment from hhfgdgdf for Noah's Arc
Good site - you\'re a pretty good writer./
Comment from hhfgdgdf for Noah's Arc
Comment from hhfgdgdf for Noah's Arc
Thanks a bunch!v
Comment from hhfgdgdf for Noah's Arc
I just wanted to say WOW!t
Comment from hhfgdgdf for Noah's Arc
Comment from hhfgdgdf for Noah's Arc
this one is simple & nice.r
Comment from hhfgdgdf for Noah's Arc
Thanks a bunch!I
Comment from hhfgdgdf for Noah's Arc
Comment from hhfgdgdf for Noah's Arc
Nice effect.o
Comment from hhfgdgdf for Noah's Arc
Thanks so very much for taking your time to create this very useful and informative site.p
Comment from hhfgdgdf for Noah's Arc
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Comment from hhfgdgdf for Noah's Arc
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Comment from medicin for Noah's Arc
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Comment from medici for Noah's Arc
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Comment from hhfgdgdf for Noah's Arc
Great tutorial.s
Comment from hhfgdgdf for Noah's Arc
Looking for information and found it at this great site:
Comment from hhfgdgdf for Noah's Arc
This site truly amazing!!!n
Comment from hhfgdgdf for Noah's Arc
that\'s neat!
Comment from hhfgdgdf for Noah's Arc
Thank you!d
Comment from hhfgdgdf for Noah's Arc
Very good site! I like it! Thanks!u
Comment from hhfgdgdf for Noah's Arc
Hello people!e
Comment from hhfgdgdf for Noah's Arc
Thank you!
Comment from hhfgdgdf for Noah's Arc
O, super project.>
Comment from hhfgdgdf for Noah's Arc
Nice resource, very interesting reading...n
Comment from hhfgdgdf for Noah's Arc
Comment from hhfgdgdf for Noah's Arc
I just wanted to say WOW!o
Comment from hhfgdgdf for Noah's Arc
Excellent web site I will be visiting often.c
Comment from hhfgdgdf for Noah's Arc
Good job, here and there!o
Comment from hhfgdgdf for Noah's Arc
Great tutorial.o
Comment from hhfgdgdf for Noah's Arc
Thanks so very much for taking your time to create this very useful and informative site.
Comment from hhfgdgdf for Noah's Arc
Really good site, and a pleasant suprise... Good Luck!
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Comment from hhfgdgdf for Noah's Arc
Comment from hhfgdgdf for Noah's Arc
Nice site!
Comment from hhfgdgdf for Noah's Arc
I like that!r
Comment from hhfgdgdf for Noah's Arc
Comment from hhfgdgdf for Noah's Arc
that\'s neat!t
Comment from hhfgdgdf for Noah's Arc
Hi our little brothers.)
Comment from hhfgdgdf for Noah's Arc
wow nice!i
Comment from hhfgdgdf for Noah's Arc
Good site, thanks!t
Comment from hhfgdgdf for Noah's Arc
Big thanx to webmaster!h
Comment from hhfgdgdf for Noah's Arc
Great Site - really useful information!
Comment from hhfgdgdf for Noah's Arc
Hi our little brothers.r
Comment from hhfgdgdf for Noah's Arc
Thanks bro! Real good work!a
Comment from hhfgdgdf for Noah's Arc
Great tutorial.e
Comment from hhfgdgdf for Noah's Arc
Hi our little brothers.
Comment from hhfgdgdf for Noah's Arc
very helpful, thanks!.
Comment from hhfgdgdf for Noah's Arc
Great site!-
Comment from hhfgdgdf for Noah's Arc
this one is simple & nice.E
Comment from hhfgdgdf for Noah's Arc
this one is simple & nice.d
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Comment from psphbqathq for Noah's Arc
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Comment from Leapy Lea for Noah's Arc
Oh dear!
Comment from Kurt for Noah's Arc
Nice site. but what about all the food and fodder for all the animals, it would need much much more space than the animals themselve. Not only for thr 150 days until the arc sat down on the icefields at temperatures deep below zero, but also until they could find new foods after all has grown again. And not to mention that a lot of the animals at the arc are such that need other animals as their prey. There is nothing mentioned that Noah's animals did not need to eat for the time until new plants and new offspring of animals as prey grew again, maybe some years. Besides, not even God and his son Jesus knew that the earth is not flat, so, what was holding the water from flowing over the earth down to wherever? And nowhere in the bible the icy polar regions are known. So, did God not know what he has been creating? It is also hard to imagine how Adam should have maintained God's Garden Eden which included an area of some hundred-thousand sq miles? There is a bit too much unexplained at the bible stories.
Comment from Rami for Noah's Arc
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Comment from nobody in particular for Noah's Arc
ur site is good but it didn't help me coz i'm just reporting the story of noah, not whether it was real or not. anyway, bye. i gotta complete my hmwrk by friday
Comment from Megan for Noah's Arc
Hebrews 4:12 (New International Version) For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. You're article brings this verse to my mind. There is truly a living God who is powerful beyond human belief.
Comment from Anthony Martinez for Noah's Arc
From where did you obtain your resources? You mentioned that there have been pictures taken of Noah's Ark but hae you seen them? I am curious to see what they look like and was wondering if you knew where to find these pictures. I believe Noah's Ark did exist. I want the world to know this to so I will research this topic and soon I will visit Mount Ararat. If you could help me in any way please e-mail me. Thank you!!!
Comment from jordan (female) for Noah's Arc
i love your site. it helped me with my report on the mysteries of the world in social studies. i think the arc is real because if it wasnt, god would be lying, and thats a sin. so its probably real. thanx :)
Comment from Jessica for Noah's Arc
All your people are idiots! There is no Noah's Arc the size of 20 basketball courts. It is no possible for something that large to stay afloat and actually stay up under its own weight. There was an arc back then but a much SMALLER arc and it didn't hold every animal in the world blah blah blah. There WASN'T a flood that flooded the whole world as the folk tail tells us in the bible. There was a flood, back in the time of the biblical age that flooded a CITY/TOWN and not the whole freaking world. If that is the case we are all inbreeds/half breads and related to one another! Lol Seriously, there was no earth flood, it's not possible and just not true. The bible and all its folk tales are WRITTEN by man only. There are a lot of un-truths in the bible and a HELL of a lot of folk tales, Adam & Eve being one of them. Let's all face the truth, we all work our lives away building up money, shitting on other people, eating and killing animals, destroying or own planet (kind of like a fish swimming in his own shit/piss) , and we all die into nothingness. The Bible and all of its 'Folk' tales is our way of dealing with death and being happy when someone days. The truth is there is no heaven and hell is what we live each day awaiting our own demises. The idea of God and an afterlife was brought up for people who are afraid of death, and think that there must be something else to do in life than waste or time on shit dead people wrote millions of years ago. I truly am surprised humans, from apes, evolved this far seeing how many of us are just plain stupid!!!
Comment from Jevene for Noah's Arc
The author, in conclusion, put it to the reader.......very simply - If God can make everything out of nothing then He can SURELY do anything. How true. It's a question of do you believe in God or don't you? If you ARE a believer then I would think it only natural that you would also believe the Bible to be true in it's entirety (ie. Noah, his family and the Arc). I mean if someone would believe that there is even ONE bit of truth to God and His being then what authority does one have to discount ANY of the rest of it. We are the creatures. And God is in complete authority over His creation. So we don't understand or comprehend everything that God has done.....guess what guys, relax.....we are't capable of understanding God more then to the degree that which He has reveiled to us. We are created in God's image. We are not like God. We are human. That's just how it is. If you do not believe in God then I'm not sure what you believe in. Not that you NEED anything to believe in. We are mortals and do not compare to devils or angels. But, even Satin believes in God. Spiritual warfare is so real.
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Comment from david taylor for Noah's Arc
hey the facts about noahs arc is true . i dont know why people dont believe in god and my savior jesus christ. and there is only 1 book for me and my fellow christian friends. the holy bible. the only book of life that was sent to the saints of the book throught our lord and jesus christ. thats the only book that any body should reed. if people would go to a pennecostal church like i do, they would see the true meening of there life....
Comment from Edwin Ritchie for Noah's Arc
Josh, don't throw out the baby! It is only the Christians, and possibly the Moslems, who think it was a universal flood. The Jews, for example, argue that it cannot have covered the whole earth since the Hebrews encountered antediluvians on their return to Israel from Egypt. These Christian misconceptions are a result of only having a small part of the ures.
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Comment from kmiqueli for Noah's Arc
I think the Noah's were heavily into bestiality and the bible story was just something Miss Noah made up to justify doing the donkey. What a party!
Comment from kmiqueli for Noah's Arc
I think the Noah's were heavily into bestiality and the bible story was just something Miss Noah made up to justify doing the donkey. What a party!
Comment from Chris for Noah's Arc
You guys are lame!
Comment from Josh Klein for Noah's Arc
The noahs arc story makes little to no sense. There are so many holes where should we start. First the ideaa of the entire earth being flooded is insane. Mount Arrarat(sorry about the spelling) is 17000 ft tall, roughly 3 miles high. Are you tellng me that you truly believe that all510,065,600sqkm. was covered by three miles of water, and all that just dissapeared. it doesnt make sense. Food for these animals is another problem. a african elephant eats 350 pounds of food a day times two for two elephant and you get 700lbs of food per day. times 150 days which is 105,000lbs of food for two elephants. they also drink 30 gallons of water which times two is 60 gallons. times 8 because one gallon is about 8 lbs, so your elephants are drinking 340 lbs of water a day. times 150 and thats 51000 lbs of water. so just two elephants need a total of 156,000 lbs of food and water.Then you would have Indian elephants so youd have to nearly double that.Another problem is getting the animals to Noah. because Koalas arent swimming there from australia. Anotehr problem is that is alll the water mixed, as it would duringa global flood all fresh water animals would die because they cant take that salt water. I know that you believers are just going to say well god is almighty and can do anything, in which you are the most ignorant, childish, stubborn person is the world. really why is your god more special than the roman or greek ones. Its not because non all real. they are fairy tales used to explain life. Too say your god is the only true one anad theirs werent real is yet again childish, selfcentered, and down right dumb.
Comment from rch in Business Category, Yellowpages search. From online directory . for Noah's Arc
online directory main
Comment from god for Noah's Arc
it's just another fine example/story of cooperation and brotherly love cross-species.
Comment from Ela for Noah's Arc
O ne day, Vaivasvata, tha seventh incarnation of Manu found a tiny fish in his bathing water. The fish told him to look after it with devotion for one day it would do him a great service. Vaivasvatatava cared for the fish till the day it grew so huge that he released it into the sea before departing, the fish warned Manu of an Impending deluge when the entire world would be submerged and bade him to build a sea-worthy ark. When the flood came. Vaivasvata and the Seven Sages were towed to safety by Matsya the fish-which is regarded as the first avatara of Lord Vishnu. As the waters subsided the seventh Manu's ark came to rest on a hillside and the place was named Manali (2050 m) after him. As the earth slowly dried. Here arose a place of breath taking natural beauty - which was only appropriate, for it was at Manali that life began again. And today this legendary cradle of all human kind is a prime holiday destination. There are high mountains surrounded by silent snows and deep boulder strewn gorges. There are thick forest full of cool breezes and bird song. There are fields of wild flowers, smell picturesque hamlets and fruit laden orchards.
Comment from dave for Noah's Arc
ok first thing first. Everyone needs to calm down. non-christians or non believers or whatever villafied way you wanna look at it, need to stop bashing the christians cause they can't take it, totally dissregarding the fact that its not nice and such. As for the christians, if you are faithful and really believe then that is great and if the others dont then you should just respect them and let them be, as far as what ive read in the bible and what I gather from church (by the way im lutheran not that it makes that big of a difference) you should just be nice to people. Both groups are guilty of being closed minded to each other and just bashing each other rather than looking at what has been given to us through science, geology, the bible and what not. Im sorry to say but i see more christians doing the bashing but thats besides the point ( sorry). Anyway, lets look at this openly. The article itself was very good in that it looked at both the biblical and the scientific knowledge to come to its conclusion, however it was clear which side the writter was on. also i did ( sorry) find some things that were a little off but im not counting the major point was still valid, and yes there are many things in the bible and other religious works not just the bible that are contradictive ( take that as you may). Now i really have to say good job on the response about noahs age being mis-interprited by the greeks, that could be a big lead, after all the bible was written by man and men arent perfect so mistakes or misunderstandings can take place. Even if everything in the bible wasnt true ( god forbid) that doesnt mean that all of it is wrong. Even if evolution or intelligent design is write and adam and eve is just a story, reasoning or moral tale, it doesnt mean that the arc and many other stories from this book arent true. it is true that many different regions and religions tell stories of floods and make mention of the arc yet those same religions may differ on other key facts (take that as you may, you might be right, or maybe you need to open up a bit) anyway it is possible that the arc could have been built in the time mentioned before to the specifications and all but it would be most difficult as would be maintaining the animals and the ship, and i dunno what version of the bible you have read but mine says that god brought the animals to noah which would make it much easier on noah. it is also possible that the arc could have landed anywhere by or on that mountain and it might be possible that the flood wasnt world wide and that maybe others (man or beast) survived. Is anyone still reading this. well anyway as far as finding the arc now i say prove it, the ice might have preserved the giant ship or the constant temperature changes + time could have destroyed it, maybe an earthquake opened the face of the earth and the arc was dropped into the void and we can never find it, but i digress. the fact of the matter is that we may never find the arc whether it be real or just a story. it would be nice if we did, but that would probly start a war on who it would belong to and such and heck where would we put the thing. anyway to wrap this looooong comment up, even if the arc doesnt exsist or cant be found doesnt mean that god doesnt exsist either or that christians are wrong about something for once or again depending on how you look at it ( i know you all think im a satan worshiping non believer and you cant wait to see me burn in hell) the bible as well as most other religions and religious works are more about how we should behave and treat each other and in the long run other thann the ten commandments and believing in him, i think that maybe thats what god really wants for his children and when judgement day comes or when i die or whatever happens, whether the arc exists or not, whether you liked or agreed with me, im just glad you listened without hating me or wanting me to die, or at least just listened, because i do believe in god and even though my views may differ i still respect your opinions enough to hear them out and not to rip you to shreds, blah blah blah, i guess just be a little nice to each other, if one story in the bible isnt right its not the end of the world for anyone theres more to life religion and everything else to be who you are believe in who you want to and if christianity is right then being nice wouldnt hurt anyway now would it. thanx for hangin in there i hope i got my point across lol anyway peace and good life to you all until the end and after that too if you so choose to believe. good bye
Comment from submarines smell for Noah's Arc
hi God
Comment from submarines smell for Noah's Arc
hi God
Comment from Brian Donahue for Noah's Arc
I am a bit of a skeptic, however I do look at evidence before I make a judgment on a subject. I am not a, what they would say a true skeptic, which I would call a debunker, those people would not accept evidence if it steered then in the face. I was born a catholic, but I am not very religious, I have read some of the bible, and found some things that I believe, and some things hard to believe, I've found some contradictions, and some things that I don't believe at all. In my opinion the Noah's Arc story very believable, accept for two things mentioned in the article. The ice age started to come to an end around 10 thousand years ago, and as it ended there were many floods, for thousand of years, all around the world, and these floods were catastrophic, many people died in these floods, so it is no surprise that there are many Flood Myths. The first thing that I disagree with is the age of Noah and how long it took to build The Arc. Around 300 BC in the city of Alexandra, group of Greeks and Hebrews got together, To compile the first Greek Bible, from the Hebrew Scriptures. The ancient Hebrews measured time by the Moon, the Greeks Measured time by the Sun just as we do today, a year is one cycle of the Sun There are 13 Moons in a Solar year. I believe that the Greeks misinterpreted the Hebrew's word for Moon Cycle, thinking that it meant Solar year. The Bible says that Noah was 480 years when he started to build the Arc If you divide 480 by 13 you get 36.9, I would believe that Noah was almost 37 when he started to build the Arc, and it took him a bit over 9 years to build it (120 / 13) Now for the second thing, the article says that the Arc landed on the top of mount Ararat If it said that the Arc landed at the foot of mount Ararat, I would say that is possible, but not on the top of the mountain. The reason being that although there were floods all around the world there was never A worldwide flood 17,000 feet above present sea level. Because it would still be there! There is no place on this planet for all that water to disappear to. And God does not wave a Magic Wand, and say presto change o be gone 17,000 Feet of global water.
Comment from Alex Brown for Noah's Arc
Noah's Ark, what and interesting story. But its not a story, its fact. You non-believers, keep you mouths shut. Stop standing up for Satan. I can't wait for the day when the un-earth the Ark. That is, if God wants it to be found. If he did, then I'm gonna laugh so hard when I see the faces of the non-believers. I have nothing againt non-believers, except for the fact that they seem to be trying to drag us down, trying to corrupt our faith and make us not believe. Like who ever said that before, leave us good Christians alone, your going to find out in the worst way that there is a God. Wait til judgement day, when you on your knees crying while you find out your name isn't in the Book of Life. Then suffer the pain of the lake of fire, night and day, for ever and ever.
Comment from An indifferent child of the earth. for Noah's Arc
The comments on this page were actually more informative than the article itself. Putting aside all previously held biases--Creationism, Darwin, Socrates, Shiva, Ol' Joe Smith, Kant; whatever--I think if some of you go dig up your old Geology 101 text, you'll discover that water levels have changed just a little bit over the years. And its entirely possible for a craft of those dimensions to have settled upon a peak that was buried by water and later, became an island; which in turn, as the water continued to recede, became the mountain peak we see today. It may be covered again one day. It really doesn't matter. If you believe, believe. You don't need the discovery of an ancient boat to confirm your faith, do you?
Comment from Rajinder Singh for Noah's Arc
I have No clue how to put it in words. But, for believers; please check the origin of a small Hill town named Manali in India. There is a stark similarity to Noah and its origin provided information about the whereabouts of his Ark. If you do not explore this clue you will never believe that the Ark actaully existed and there was once someone named Noah, who saved the world. Although the version differs, but we seem to be talking about the same person.
Comment from Debbie White for Noah's Arc
I can't understand why non-believers will read this article and then talk crap about it. Why are they reading it in the first place if it is such a ridiculous story? Is it the holy spirit trying to lead them into believing the truth? Why else would they read such articles? I think that it was a wonderful story, and I can't wait until the day that the glacier melts so that one day everyone in the whole entire world can see that the bible is real! Besides, science has never been able to prove the bible wrong. Throughout time all science has done with it's amazing technology is prove the bible to be accurate!!
Comment from Debbie White for Noah's Arc
I can't understand why non believers will read this article and then write crap about it. Why are they reading this article to begin with if it's such a ridiculous story? Is it because the Holy Spirit is trying to lead them in the direction of the truth? I think that it was a wonderful story and I can't wait until the day the big glacier melts and everyone in the whole entire world can see that the Bible is real!! Non-believers, remember one thing.... Science with all of it's high technology, has not proven the bible wrong, ever!! In fact throughout time it has only proven the bible more and more accurate everyday!!!
Comment from debbie for Noah's Arc
Comment from Matt for Noah's Arc
I thought the article was awesome. Although I was disturbed by some of the other comments that people left. I am not sure why people have to hate us Christians. If they don't believe in the Bible and it's teachings, then do your own thing. Why do they have to feel like they have to hate us? Anyway... I personally believe that it is possible to find the arc, unless it has been destroyed by the many years that it has sat out in the weather. But if it is out there, I pray that you may find it, so that other non-believers may some day believe.
Comment from ben for Noah's Arc
this is crap!
Comment from Al W for Noah's Arc
If you believe the Noah's ark story then you believe in incest. If Noah was instructed "to bring into the ark two of all living creatures, male and female' and all other creatures on earth were killed in the flood, then the offspring of these creatures would have had to have sex with each other in order to reproduce. That is unless you believe in magic and there was no sex involved only Immaculate Conception. Religion is nothing more than a way to try to control people.
Comment from Biblehater for Noah's Arc
It's just christian propaganda. It makes no sense, that a 480 year old man could build a ship that size. Dammm, I hate you christian fanatics! "God is dead" - Friedrich Nietzche
Comment from Dr. Levon Messerlian for Noah's Arc
Your prose reads question about that. Your facts may need checking and would completely change your entire thesis. My Bible does not say the ark landed on Mt Ararat but rather it landed on the mountains of Ararat. Now that could cover hundreds of miles of possibility. What Bible do you use?
Comment from Denis Sayers for Noah's Arc
In King James passage God says to Noah "Come into the Ark" not "Go into2 To me that confirms that God was in there with him therefore the question of feeding and disposing of waste matter was not a problem.
Comment from G. Will for Noah's Arc
I heard that an expedition was to travel to Mt. Ararat this summer and by August we should have heard something. Have you heard anything about this?
Comment from neto for Noah's Arc
I loved the aticle about Noah's arc and would like to read more about the subject,thank you for the great article and may Jesus bless more and more the life and inteligence of the author.
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