It would be a too long a story to give here all the details of what I have discovered years ago. I learned at one time How to dowse for water and as a endresult I also recognized at this time my extra gift for healing and other psychic phenomenal things. Tales of healing with quarz stones and gem stones awaked my curiousity in within some time intuition made me to pick up certain stones, up to a size of a tennis ball. Later at one time I was instructed through intuition how to enhance the value of the healing force within the stones. Patients treated with these stones felt remarcable sensation from it and were cured by it. Even on distant therapy did people become awere of the force, even felt a difference, whenever a stone was moved or replaced with an other one. So stone power is nothing new to me, but you have to consider that we talke here of stones, loaded up with tremendes universal force, which is up to this day unknown to science. So was your story to me and that made me write you these few lines. |