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Parapsychology and Magic / Energetics / Aura / 


An aura, according to New Age metaphysics, is a colored outline, or set of contiguous outlines, allegedly emanating from the surface of an object. Auras are not to be confused with the aureoles or halos of saints, which are devices of Christian iconography used to depict the radiance of light associated with divine infusion. In the New Age, even the lowly amoeba has an aura, as does the mosquito and every lump of goat dung. The aura supposedly reflects a supernatural energy field or life force that permeates all things. Human auras allegedly emerge from the chakras. Under ordinary circumstances, auras are only visible to certain people with special psychic power. However, with a little bit of training, or with a special set of Aura Goggles with "pinacyanole bromide" filters (available at your local New Age Head Shop), anyone can see auras. You may also use Kirlian photography to capture auras on film. At least that is what New Age spiritualists believe.

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 Seeing the aura

Some of us can see the human aura. Some of us never have and some have on occasion but do not usually. First off it is not a really big deal if you do or don't see the aura....

 Color in the aura

The energy field surrounding the physical body can be seen by some as radiating and filled with light I checked every book pamphlet and article......

 Aura therapy

Aura therapy is a type of New Age healing that detects and treats disease by reading and manipulating a person's aura....

 Conscious Control of human aura
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